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Readily Available Chemicals Website: Version 2
Cool, I'm going to hit up China Town again
4-6-2010 at 12:03
by: mr.crow
Readily Available Chemicals Website: Version 2
Here is my secret, I found potassium nitrate and ammonium carbonate at a Chinese grocery store. You ...
4-6-2010 at 09:42
by: mr.crow
Question about plastic bottles
They do have a nice chemical compatibility chart
4-6-2010 at 06:12
by: mr.crow
Question about plastic bottles
I have some nice 250mL nalgene polyethylene bottles. The kind you use in a lab, not for jogging.

3-6-2010 at 14:52
by: mr.crow
Cleaning carbon dust from the bottom of a flask
Piranha solution :D

Maybe you can neutralize your waste chromic acid with alcohol (carefully!) so ...
3-6-2010 at 07:50
by: mr.crow
Chemistry Documentary
Cool, downloading. BBC makes good stuff

All the great chemists died before their discoveries real ...
2-6-2010 at 14:40
by: mr.crow
Acetaldahyde and Fruit flies.
[rquote=178982&tid=12878&author=Jimmymajesty]I one made paraformaldehyde by heating POM (the ...
2-6-2010 at 09:19
by: mr.crow
Wood Finish Chemistry
There is also the Japan lacquer finish, the same oil Urushiol that causes poison ivy can polymerize. ...
31-5-2010 at 16:06
by: mr.crow
sodium-dichlor-iso-cyan-urate | What uses ?
Congrats chief, you made the 20000th post in this sub forum
31-5-2010 at 15:47
by: mr.crow
Chemistry Documentary
Here is an awesome video about chemistry and the history of science ...
31-5-2010 at 15:45
by: mr.crow
Condenser cooling
Oh hey White Rabbit, I look forward to the next youtube video! What else can be made on an enormous ...
26-5-2010 at 16:56
by: mr.crow
Latest chemical order?
Hmmm the whole sodium/potassium thing is pretty interesting. I was helping out with some science dem ...
25-5-2010 at 06:51
by: mr.crow
Hospital Stay
Your company may try to fire you. They don't want 'sick' people hanging around but can't discriminat ...
22-5-2010 at 18:04
by: mr.crow
sodium borohydride analysis of activity
I'm not sure how titration would work. The problem is it decomposes by itself in water and might red ...
19-5-2010 at 19:25
by: mr.crow
sodium borohydride analysis of activity
Time to bring up an old-ish thread.

How about adding the NaBH4 to a stoichiometric amount of dilu ...
19-5-2010 at 16:35
by: mr.crow
Ammonia by the haber process--tabletop chemistry
It depends on how much ammonia you want to make. Maybe just for shits and giggles so you can sniff i ...
14-5-2010 at 19:03
by: mr.crow
Seperating Ethanol and 3-methyl-3-pentanol
3-methyl-3-pentanol is supposed to be miscible with ethanol and soluble in water at 45g/L.

Maybe ...
14-5-2010 at 11:03
by: mr.crow
Has one of our members died?
I read an ominous message on Myfanwy's youtube channel. Maybe someone can confirm it?

http://www. ...
6-5-2010 at 15:18
by: mr.crow
Trimethylamine - Which catalyst?
You probably want triethylamine, the methyl version has too low a boiling point.

If you have tric ...
6-5-2010 at 07:10
by: mr.crow
Usually Azo's posts are intelligent, I don't know what happened
5-5-2010 at 06:51
by: mr.crow
Acetic Acid substitution in Al/Hg red.
Welcome to the forum.

Please learn how to communicate effectively.
29-4-2010 at 20:37
by: mr.crow
Aqua Regia question
Brauer has some things about palladium, but not what I'm looking for. I could always just do the exp ...
24-4-2010 at 13:45
by: mr.crow
Aqua Regia question
I would like to dissolve some Pd metal in aqua regia. My question is how much acid should I use?

24-4-2010 at 10:42
by: mr.crow
Pear shaped flasks
Larger (500 or 1000 mL) pear-shaped flask are useful ...
20-4-2010 at 08:58
by: mr.crow
NMP - Purification - Ideas?
NMP is actually super expensive from Fishersci. Maybe it is much cheaper for technical grade from an ...
16-4-2010 at 09:43
by: mr.crow
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