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Looking for Oxalyl Chloride (Swern ox) and 3-bromoanisole
Acros Organics

It is not cheap! About $350 US a Kg.

The short synthesis of ox ...
27-1-2009 at 10:26
by: Sauron
FREE Online Journals

Volumes 29-43(12 issues per year) already up

Vo ...
27-1-2009 at 08:10
by: Sauron
DNS trouble with website
Site was down altogether for at least 36 hours maybe 48. This included the library, so not only the ...
26-1-2009 at 19:51
by: Sauron
TMA-2: Several questions on a particular synthesis
I have a question too. Why are you revivying a 3 year old dead drug thread?
24-1-2009 at 23:42
by: Sauron
Ammonia to Nitrogen Dioxide
There are books on the process of making ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen and making nitric acid in ...
24-1-2009 at 19:22
by: Sauron
Bad pd on C?
Come to think of it the prep of Pd/C is in Vogel. There may also be one in Org.Syn.
24-1-2009 at 08:04
by: Sauron
Bad pd on C?
It could be that you were ripped off. Who was the online vendor?

It could also be that the Pd/C h ...
24-1-2009 at 04:11
by: Sauron
FREE Online Journals

Volumes 29-43(12 issues per year) already up

Vo ...
24-1-2009 at 02:09
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
The final part of first half

[Edited on 24-1-2009 by Sauron]
24-1-2009 at 01:03
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
Pardon the double post but, it occured to me that vivi's post of first half of Wang dissertation was ...
24-1-2009 at 00:01
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
Chemrox, would you like me to upload the complete Wang dissertation to 4hared for you?

It is < ...
23-1-2009 at 21:31
by: Sauron
Uses of Chlorine
Is blindedachievement in USA? If so he is unlikely to acquire any I2. So making ICl or ICl2 is a no ...
23-1-2009 at 14:44
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
My interests lie with other than LA targets. So I don't have to worry about N-alkylation.

For tho ...
23-1-2009 at 01:07
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
Thanks, much appreciated and not just by me, I am sure.

If I had this sooner I would have saved a ...
22-1-2009 at 22:08
by: Sauron
Looking for a rotary evaporator
La Fee Verte is very similar to the new Pernod absinthe: obviously artificically colored and indiffe ...
22-1-2009 at 15:53
by: Sauron
Acid Concentration/purification
The new improved thread title is gibberish. Why not simply call it "Concentrating Acids" ? Don't tr ...
22-1-2009 at 12:14
by: Sauron
The short questions thread (1)
Sorry, nope, that's not it.
22-1-2009 at 12:07
by: Sauron
Uses of Chlorine
For someone so clueless you sure are snotty.
22-1-2009 at 12:04
by: Sauron
Looking for Oxalyl Chloride (Swern ox) and 3-bromoanisole
That term is meaningless outside the EU (T+)

So it depends on where Methyl Magic is.

Anyway ox ...
22-1-2009 at 11:21
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
Whaddya mean mean "you"? What makes you think I have it? I am disappointed just as you are. I went l ...
22-1-2009 at 05:58
by: Sauron
Looking for a rotary evaporator
Not at all, unless you have been tasting the wrong sort. The macerated and undistilled sort as made ...
22-1-2009 at 04:43
by: Sauron
The short questions thread (1)
I saw this on the forum just 3-4 days ago and it appeared to be a fresh post. But I have tried and t ...
22-1-2009 at 01:40
by: Sauron
Uses of Chlorine
woelen, I am annoyed with this tyro's attitude. Read his ither thread and you will see, he literally ...
22-1-2009 at 01:18
by: Sauron
The Wang-Hendrickson Synthesis
The paper uploaded by vivi is missing everything after page 101

That is Chapter 4, the experiment ...
22-1-2009 at 00:47
by: Sauron
Uses of Chlorine
KmnO4 contains how much chlorine?


All Cl2 generated with KMnO4 comes from HCl.

TCCA co ...
21-1-2009 at 22:45
by: Sauron
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