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The BEST Books You Have Read
Sorry, I don't have anything new to add to the thread. Only that when I first started lurking on Sci ...
30-1-2012 at 17:13
by: Bot0nist
Mixture of KNO3 and sulfur doesn't burn..
Potassium nitrate and sulfur burns quite nicely. Melt down the sulfur, and stir in the correct amoun ...
30-1-2012 at 16:54
by: Bot0nist
Pictures of members.
Just looks like one of those pics. Don't worry, your not my type. The penis and all that...
30-1-2012 at 15:30
by: Bot0nist
Pictures of members.
Jeeze, is that the same photo as the one on your online dating site? :-D :-D

You just had to say, ...
29-1-2012 at 11:44
by: Bot0nist
TATP--How sensitive is it?
No, sulfuric acid will work fine as an acid catalyst, and I've seen it done. It is just not as conve ...
28-1-2012 at 21:55
by: Bot0nist
TATP--How sensitive is it?
[b]Keep on with this complacent attitude and you will get hurt![/b] AP was not used for commercial o ...
27-1-2012 at 16:05
by: Bot0nist
Preparation of Dilute H2SO4 from FeSO4
[rquote=234564&tid=18620&author=White Yeti]Is it time yet for a moderator to lock this threa ...
26-1-2012 at 19:06
by: Bot0nist
Irony of borrowing from nothingness concept

Since we are on an armchair basis here I have no s ...
26-1-2012 at 07:47
by: Bot0nist
Sulfur color variation
[i]"The range of molecular allotropes possessed by sulfur can in part be ascribed to the wide range ...
24-1-2012 at 20:25
by: Bot0nist
KNO3 + candle wax => NO reaction ???
3 small scale attempts tonight. All fail. Working in sub gram scale though. Will try variations on s ...
24-1-2012 at 19:44
by: Bot0nist
drying isopropanol
The MeOH will be fine in most reactions and extractions. Just not for consumption, of course. It is ...
24-1-2012 at 18:22
by: Bot0nist
drying isopropanol
Find a drying agents chart and print it out to hang in your lab space.

It will probably be hard ...
24-1-2012 at 17:27
by: Bot0nist
Xenon helium compound?
Why not post a write-up in the corresponding thread? You took notes right? Add a little content to S ...
24-1-2012 at 16:46
by: Bot0nist
Refining mercury from cinnabar
[rquote=230762&tid=18162&author=jsc]LOL, you envision building a Castner cell to make lye?
24-1-2012 at 16:35
by: Bot0nist
Tour My Lab
Very nice rapture! I'm jealous. Can't wait to see some of your work.
24-1-2012 at 10:46
by: Bot0nist
KNO3 + candle wax => NO reaction ???
Ok, I'll try one with powdered sugar proportion, and one with lamp black. I thought the sulfur may h ...
24-1-2012 at 07:05
by: Bot0nist
drying isopropanol
[rquote=234116&tid=18628&author=reckless explosive]to just shut this down and im very sorry ...
23-1-2012 at 20:40
by: Bot0nist
KNO3 + candle wax => NO reaction ???
I once saw a mythbuster's show where they made a "rocket" with a steel pipe filled with solid paraff ...
23-1-2012 at 20:26
by: Bot0nist
Nitrate salt synthesis
Sedit is right about the soil method. The yields and the purity make it nothing more than a "history ...
23-1-2012 at 20:05
by: Bot0nist
Nitrate salt synthesis
Of course they have. many youngsters (and older folks) are into energetics. The younger ones seem to ...
23-1-2012 at 18:44
by: Bot0nist
Nitrate salt synthesis
What they mean is basically take your age, inexperience, and possible immaturity into consideration ...
23-1-2012 at 16:06
by: Bot0nist
drying isopropanol
HIT THE LITERATURE! There is literally thousands of suitable drying agent charts on the net. Plus Al ...
23-1-2012 at 15:13
by: Bot0nist
KNO3 + candle wax => NO reaction ???
[rquote=233961&tid=18610&author=AirCowPeaCock]That low 'ey. Well that would explain why I p ...
23-1-2012 at 09:03
by: Bot0nist
Repairing star cracks
What entropy was saying is that even if you do this, you will not reduce the danger of using that be ...
23-1-2012 at 06:40
by: Bot0nist
Nitrate salt synthesis
Do you have any interest in small amounts of chlorate. If you have some bleach around you can synth ...
22-1-2012 at 17:24
by: Bot0nist
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