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Source of Zinc found [rquote=611301&tid=149547&author=zed]Zinc?
Current U.S. Pennies are 97.5% Zinc. Copper ... |
3-5-2019 at 11:47 by: vmelkon |
Source of Zinc found I collected a few of the spark wheels from lighters (the butane kind, disposable lighters).
Like th ... |
1-5-2019 at 10:29 by: vmelkon |
Copper/Lead iodide + HAc = I2? Is SnCl2 soluble in water? It sounds like it is not since tin is similar to lead or it is only sligh ... |
29-3-2019 at 17:45 by: vmelkon |
Chemistry with terracotta pots - what are some experiments that can be done? [rquote=594785&tid=139027&author=Ubya]it can be used as cell membrane as you said
boiling s ... |
29-1-2019 at 15:12 by: vmelkon |
KOH I'm not sure why people are recommending using Ag2O. It is an insoluble oxide and also required othe ... |
1-1-2019 at 10:08 by: vmelkon |
What are the minerals that dissolves in oil? [rquote=554515&tid=105675&author=kulep]There are many tree species with milky resins, not on ... |
20-11-2018 at 17:17 by: vmelkon |
What are the minerals that dissolves in oil? Can you be more specific?
You titrated? What chemical did you use?
Milk that comes out of a tree ... |
20-11-2018 at 07:59 by: vmelkon |
My 2 neck flask is broken :( I was trying to distill some impure H2SO4 and this requires high temperature, even when I reduced th ... |
18-11-2018 at 09:45 by: vmelkon |
Antimony toxicity...??
Does it give ... |
18-11-2018 at 09:40 by: vmelkon |
Cork withstanding hot HCl & ammonia gas I make silicone stoppers myself. I make the mold with crayola clay. It looks like they can't resists ... |
12-11-2018 at 13:34 by: vmelkon |
Loose ground glass? I have mostly Laboy glassware. It is from China.
Also also bought some no name 250 mL 2 neck RBF. I ... |
2-11-2018 at 07:38 by: vmelkon |
"Broken" thermometre Instead of heating the bulb to make the alcohol rise to the top, couldn't you heat the upper part of ... |
26-10-2018 at 03:50 by: vmelkon |
Aluminium isopropoxide - reaction with water [rquote=546701&tid=99909&author=Amos]Are you trying to clean the glassware before or after t ... |
26-10-2018 at 03:44 by: vmelkon |
Aluminium isopropoxide - reaction with water Hello,
I imagine that Aluminium isopropoxide reacts with water and forms 2-propanol + Al(OH)3.
... |
25-10-2018 at 07:44 by: vmelkon |
What can I do with Sulphur Dioxide gas ? If you bubble SO[sub]2[/sub] in CuSO[sub]4[/sub] solution, I assume you get Chevreuil's salt, which ... |
25-7-2018 at 08:08 by: vmelkon |
Filtering Hydroxide solution This has been a problem for me as well. Perhaps a bubble popper would help. I would have to build on ... |
10-6-2018 at 19:54 by: vmelkon |
Best way to synthesize K2O I guess it would mean you need to make metallic potassium.
1. Melt KOH and do electrolysis.
2. Che ... |
5-5-2018 at 22:20 by: vmelkon |
Cooking accusations from my school - story [rquote=511614&tid=81398&author=j_sum1]Where are your parents in all of this? They should be ... |
22-3-2018 at 07:06 by: vmelkon |
Stephen Hawking Dies It sucks. Every big name is getting old and dying. Even Bill Nye looks quite a bit old compared to w ... |
22-3-2018 at 05:55 by: vmelkon |
Double check what you buy I would build a springy metal thing to make contact with the leads. That is what I did to charge a L ... |
12-2-2018 at 12:50 by: vmelkon |
Do you think it is immoral to steal chemicals and equipment? [rquote=507100&tid=80462&author=Magpie]People take office supplies all the time and justify ... |
12-2-2018 at 09:40 by: vmelkon |
Gold Recovery ten Pentium Pro with Sodium Chlorate - VIDEO Yes, I had watched a video long ago. He also used sodium hypochlorite and avoided HNO3. I guess the ... |
31-1-2018 at 13:36 by: vmelkon |
Ammonium Tetrachroloroaurate (Water Soluble Noble Metals) [rquote=505366&tid=80118&author=Fleaker]I mean if dry milling ammonium chloride with gadolin ... |
31-1-2018 at 11:21 by: vmelkon |
Silver from silver plate [rquote=504022&tid=79710&author=unionised]The big problem is you waste a lot of acid dissol ... |
17-1-2018 at 16:28 by: vmelkon |
Silver from silver plate React with nitric acid to get a salt solution. If there is iron or similar element, the Ag+ ions wou ... |
16-1-2018 at 09:28 by: vmelkon |
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