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Melgar has died
RIP. Sad news :(
5-5-2020 at 10:29
by: pantone159
Recommendations for Geiger Counter or Scintillation Detector
To detect alphas, you need a detector with a thin (mica?) window. Alphas have such low penetration t ...
17-1-2020 at 07:21
by: pantone159
Magpie has died
Sad news indeed. Rest In Peace, Magpie, you will be missed, and were an inspiration to me.

15-12-2019 at 15:33
by: pantone159
Scientists find possible ‘fifth force of nature’?
Thanks for posting the arxiv link. It sounds like the authors found similar results with a new atom, ...
25-11-2019 at 17:15
by: pantone159
How strict are you about using distilled water vs nondistilled/faucet water in your reactions?
I use distilled water (from grocery store in 4L jugs) for all chemistry. I use small enough volumes ...
21-11-2019 at 20:59
by: pantone159
Iodine clock reaction variations
I have attached a JChemEd paper describing an iodine clock reaction designed to work with consumer c ...
12-9-2019 at 06:32
by: pantone159
Uranium powder found among other oddities in OK traffic stop
I believe that no charges were filed for the uranium or rattlesnake, that is all fine in Oklahoma.
12-7-2019 at 11:31
by: pantone159
Found: a little bit of Dy.
Why would there be just Dy there, and not the other lanthanides also? And would there be the same is ...
29-11-2018 at 19:50
by: pantone159
Beryllium 99.9+% machined rods for sale!
How hazardous is the bulk metal? I know Be dust is horrifying, are these machined rods safe to e.g. ...
1-11-2018 at 06:08
by: pantone159
Cheap Chemicals and apparatus for sale
Hmmm. Some of the chemicals look a little suspicious: methylamine, nitroethane, gamma-butyrolactone, ...
11-10-2018 at 08:32
by: pantone159
pH ~8 buffer
Some eye drops (e.g. 'Visine') use a borate buffer.
3-10-2018 at 06:30
by: pantone159
Metol everywhere
Metol is a very common black and white film developer, but I am not sure what other uses it has.

11-7-2018 at 06:40
by: pantone159
Recommendations for Geiger Counter or Scintillation Detector
About the only common substance that will emit just alphas, and no gammas, is Po-210. That is not so ...
17-5-2018 at 20:23
by: pantone159
Ferricyanide reduction to Ferrocyanide?
I have used, for kinetics experiments calibration, reduction with ascorbic acid, in a pH 4.4 KH2PO4 ...
2-5-2018 at 08:03
by: pantone159
DIY Gamma Spectrometer with MCA
Wow, that is very impressive work. I want such an instrument someday, but I would never make it all ...
28-4-2018 at 08:32
by: pantone159
Solar Eclipse 2017
I'm pretty sure that looking directly at a partial ...
22-8-2017 at 18:02
by: pantone159
Solar Eclipse 2017
Incredible show in SE Idaho! It was cool when things cooled down and the light dimmed as totality ap ...
22-8-2017 at 01:50
by: pantone159
Solar Eclipse 2017
I am in Idaho now with plans to watch. I am pleased that I can do the calculations for this 'myself' ...
20-8-2017 at 05:38
by: pantone159
Growing Crystals in Gels
[rquote=488682&tid=75682&author=DraconicAcid][rquote=488673&tid=75682&author=tsathog ...
24-7-2017 at 14:18
by: pantone159
Growing Crystals in Gels
The following is an excerpt from Chemical Demonstrations, A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry, Bass ...
24-7-2017 at 07:11
by: pantone159
For sale: Sodium metal 99,99% in glass ampoules
I just got my Na ampule also, well-packed so it arrived ok, and I quite like it, thanks!

Let us k ...
17-7-2017 at 08:15
by: pantone159
For sale: Sodium metal 99,99% in glass ampoules
Following the nice reviews, I just ordered a Na ampule from your ebay site. Looking forward to the n ...
2-7-2017 at 08:21
by: pantone159
QUIZ: Can you name all the elements of the periodic table starting with 'C'?
It did not accept cadmium nor copernicium. So I got 12/10 :)
15-6-2017 at 13:29
by: pantone159
Sciencemadness turns 15 today
Happy Birthday Sciencemadness!

Everybody is now entitled to a stash of some Element 15 to celebra ...
19-5-2017 at 13:11
by: pantone159
Copper(II) acetate triarsenite synthesis questions/help
I am not familiar with As compounds, but the wikipedia entry for arsenious/arsenous acid As(OH)3 say ...
20-4-2017 at 06:27
by: pantone159
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