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Allylchloride Here is a pub that I can't see but maybe one of you guys can. ... |
16-8-2011 at 18:14 by: overload |
Allylchloride The wiki says that allylchloride and ammonia are reacted together and then distilled but another sou ... |
16-8-2011 at 18:09 by: overload |
Kolbe electrolysis -> ethane [rquote=217046&tid=16942&author=PHILOU Zrealone]There are many more valuable Kolbe electroly ... |
27-7-2011 at 10:57 by: overload |
Kolbe electrolysis -> ethane [rquote=217029&tid=16942&author=redox][rquote=217026&tid=16942&author=overload]
... |
26-7-2011 at 21:22 by: overload |
Kolbe electrolysis -> ethane There are many uses for ethane. Due to this fact I will continue to post information that I belive o ... |
26-7-2011 at 17:21 by: overload |
How do you separate Paracetamol, Chlorphenamine maleate and Phenylephrine HCL Why don't you save up your money and then conduct some experiments? Maybe you'll figure it out on yo ... |
15-7-2011 at 17:31 by: overload |
Readily Available Chemicals Website It would be nice to find a company that sold to individuals with the variety of chemicals that sigma ... |
15-7-2011 at 14:27 by: overload |
Ordering glassware Where would someone buy large glassware? For example....
Two 10 liter boiling flasks with glass j ... |
14-7-2011 at 07:27 by: overload |
Diethylamine Synthesis Does anyone know the difference between diethylamine and diethylamide? |
14-7-2011 at 07:00 by: overload |
Kolbe electrolysis -> ethane The answer to your question can be found in the subject. |
10-7-2011 at 13:18 by: overload |
Triethylamine --- for synthesis... 3. Discussion
Trimethylamine can be prepared by the action of formaldehyde on ammonium chloride u ... |
9-7-2011 at 12:24 by: overload |
Kolbe electrolysis -> ethane Kolbe electrolysis or Kolbe reaction is an organic reaction named after Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe ... |
9-7-2011 at 10:44 by: overload |