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The crude product was collected by vacuum filtr ...
11-12-2020 at 09:50
by: mackolol
Generally this forum is not about drug making. It's even prohibited to do it here. There may be some ...
11-12-2020 at 09:14
by: mackolol
The insanity that is OHS
This is just taking away peoples' freedom.
I would be striking, if it would be like that in my coun ...
11-12-2020 at 09:08
by: mackolol
How do you draw benzene rings?
I have recently discovered, that when I don't take my hand off the sheet, I draw straight rings. Alt ...
9-12-2020 at 12:39
by: mackolol
What can cause garlic-like smell ?
[rquote=650421&tid=156660&author=TriiodideFrog]Allicin is the chemical in garlic that causes ...
3-12-2020 at 01:52
by: mackolol
What can cause garlic-like smell ?
Yeah, probably and the chromium could act as a catalyst.
It's not the first thread on this forum ( ...
2-12-2020 at 13:11
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
Ethanolamine doesn't work, at least for me.
Nobody has really reported success with this way and t ...
2-12-2020 at 02:36
by: mackolol
Magnetic Stirrer
Does it withstand high speeds spinning this way?
30-11-2020 at 02:37
by: mackolol
Do not keep illegal drugs for personal use in your house, if you do chemistry as a hobby
That's why you should buy from Chinese, they don't give a shit what will you use the stuff for :D.
29-11-2020 at 03:36
by: mackolol
Taste of sugar alcohols
[rquote=649699&tid=156589&author=aromaticfanatic]I am talking about food grade of course. Do ...
26-11-2020 at 13:24
by: mackolol
**FAILURE**Differential Solubility: Separate Sand and Sucrose
Just buy yourself crystallising dish, pour the solution there and wait till all the stuff evaporates ...
22-11-2020 at 12:04
by: mackolol
Various routes to acetaldehyde
I really doubt that it can be done with KMnO4, it's too strong oxidant. I don't really know how woul ...
22-11-2020 at 03:50
by: mackolol
New to chemistry
If you want to start playing with chemistry, buy yourself sulfuric acid and NaOH, these two are basi ...
15-11-2020 at 08:33
by: mackolol
Are there borders for "hazardous material" inside EU?
[rquote=648688&tid=156507&author=teodor]I've got response from S3 today that they unable to ...
12-11-2020 at 11:34
by: mackolol
Does methanol smell like anything to you?
Yeah methanol has much weaker smell than ethanol. I think it's quite understandable that, the shorte ...
12-11-2020 at 11:26
by: mackolol
Reduction of helional to its amine
[rquote=645993&tid=156271&author=Chemi Pharma]Do something useful with your Helional man! Ch ...
10-11-2020 at 12:03
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
[rquote=648753&tid=156483&author=mr_bovinejony]Tryptamine acetate is not soluble in dcm. I d ...
10-11-2020 at 00:14
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
Sodium acetate does dissolve in acetone, its solubility is low, but it does 0,5g/kg. And sodium acet ...
9-11-2020 at 01:53
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
No, that still doesn't make any sense. Trypta ...
8-11-2020 at 23:59
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
The acetonitrile is very good idea. I didn't know that way, thanks benignium, it surely comes in han ...
8-11-2020 at 13:02
by: mackolol
Do you know chemicals by their smell?
I often get used to smells of chemicals I work with. For example heating not completely pure DMSO pr ...
8-11-2020 at 12:57
by: mackolol
Anthranilic Acid
[rquote=648505&tid=156487&author=karlos³]I never knew that stuff is used as bird repellant? ...
7-11-2020 at 13:33
by: mackolol
why you shouldn't touch homemade salts
I have heard about injecting mercury intravenously too, but damn man what would be the feeling of in ...
7-11-2020 at 13:19
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
Yeah, do it, as far as I remember, you heated the mixture once when doing the oxalate thing and it a ...
7-11-2020 at 13:13
by: mackolol
Decarboxylation of L-tryptophan in DMSO
It's just about the heat evolved so, yes. But why would you have to reflux it, if the heat from NaOH ...
7-11-2020 at 12:45
by: mackolol
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