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Metal Hydrides
I have seen these advertised as the carrier for the hydrogen economy, and was wondering, could these ...
23-2-2008 at 17:52
by: StevenRS
Hydrogen Peroxide Explorations
In the commercial baquacil brand H2O2, I cannot find an MSDS for it, what else is in it (stabilizers ...
13-2-2008 at 17:14
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
[quote][i]Originally posted by froot[/i]
Or send it through a dot matrix printer :)[/quote]

Whoo ...
13-2-2008 at 17:10
by: StevenRS
Hydrogen Peroxide Explorations
I searched for a thread devoted to H2O2 and it's uses, and I didn't find one, so here goes.
H2O2 h ...
11-2-2008 at 20:45
by: StevenRS
Bromine Source and Synthesis
I tried to coat a glass stopper in it to achieve a better fit, and in never seemed to work, and if i ...
6-2-2008 at 18:43
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
String soaked in the explosive!?! Maybe I'm missing something, but that sounds suicidal!!!
6-2-2008 at 17:39
by: StevenRS
Bromine Source and Synthesis
Hmm... I wonder, can I melt Teflon plumbers tape without it decomposing? That could open up a lot of ...
5-2-2008 at 17:05
by: StevenRS
Bromine Source and Synthesis
I have made bromine before with HCl, H2O2, and NaBr, and have yet found a way to store it. It always ...
5-2-2008 at 11:21
by: StevenRS
Capsaicin extraction and isolation
I have read that capsaicin is actually not very toxic, just painful

"If ...
1-2-2008 at 19:38
by: StevenRS
AP dimer-Trimer Seperation
I never suggested AP was even remotely safe in any form. All it takes is one dimer crystal to ruin y ...
24-1-2008 at 17:35
by: StevenRS
AP dimer-Trimer Seperation
The constant bobbing effect is probably due to bubbles forming on crystals, causing them to float.
21-1-2008 at 09:48
by: StevenRS
AP dimer-Trimer Seperation
I know AP has been beaten to death, and no one wants a new thread about it, but this is important. ( ...
20-1-2008 at 12:30
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
I tried making MEKP with 6%, and it did not work. I do not know why, though. It might work for you, ...
7-1-2008 at 18:30
by: StevenRS
Unconventional Shaped Charges
I was aware nitric acid could be made that way, but I thought it was not suitable for explosives pr ...
5-1-2008 at 21:38
by: StevenRS
TATP--How sensitive is it?
Your right, it definitely doesn't. AP takes a lot of skill to use safely, even though it is easy to ...
4-1-2008 at 17:57
by: StevenRS
Unconventional Shaped Charges
If I were to hypothetically make my first shaped charge out of a .270 hunting brass, using the coppe ...
4-1-2008 at 15:04
by: StevenRS
TATP--How sensitive is it?
I may be somewhat new to explosives, but this stuff scares me. I refuse to make it. It is a lot of p ...
3-1-2008 at 16:07
by: StevenRS
The WORST BOOKS Ever Written
I liked were this thread was going... Until I got 1/2 way down the first page.:mad:
I don't have an ...
3-1-2008 at 15:41
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
However to get MEKP/AN to detonate requires the use of a primary.[/quote]

I wa ...
3-1-2008 at 15:10
by: StevenRS
Poll: What is YOUR level of education??
I'm a Sophomore... I feel like a little kid... O well. I have a better understanding of chemistry th ...
1-1-2008 at 19:40
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
No, I have not. What exactly is chapati flour? I have never heard of it. Regular all-purpose flour w ...
1-1-2008 at 10:43
by: StevenRS
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
Hmm.. First post.. Here goes...
I always had problems with detonating MEKP, until I did this. Pu ...
31-12-2007 at 12:52
by: StevenRS

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