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UK Based amateur chemists
Don't start another forum, this one is fine.

We desperately need a trading subforum! From there w ...
6-6-2014 at 08:00
by: Manifest
Alexander Shulgin has died
There aren't many people in Whimsy because you have to request access.
3-6-2014 at 12:11
by: Manifest
Alexander Shulgin has died
Sad, this thread isn't Legal Or Societal, I think we need a general chat subforum.
3-6-2014 at 11:12
by: Manifest
RDX synthesis
This compound is too much of a pain to make.

ETN seems preferable considering they are almost equ ...
3-6-2014 at 09:55
by: Manifest
RDX synthesis
Does this reaction have to be absolutely clear of Nitrogen Oxides in the Nitric Acid?
If so, is the ...
2-6-2014 at 09:47
by: Manifest
Making Nitrates
I am from Northern Ireland, wish I was in Canada :(
Yes, fertilisers are incredibly difficult to co ...
1-6-2014 at 12:13
by: Manifest
Making Nitrates
Hello, where I live Fertiliser is extremely hard to come by unless you are a farmer and carry a lice ...
1-6-2014 at 07:44
by: Manifest
A very silly question
The answer to this question seemed like common sense to me.

Aga, are you English? Is it your firs ...
22-5-2014 at 16:05
by: Manifest
SM Classifieds: A good idea?
What legal research is needed? A simple disclaimer should suffice, 'Sciencemadness will not be held ...
21-5-2014 at 10:47
by: Manifest
A very silly question
Well, you synthesize said compound in small amounts so you use it quickly, also some explosives stor ...
20-5-2014 at 13:40
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Yes gdflp that is normal, KClO3 + Sugar mix will create a lot of heat.

A brilliant method for set ...
19-5-2014 at 13:35
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
You can use it to set off ETN which would set off whatever you want then.

ETN can be used as a pr ...
17-5-2014 at 15:46
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
A better method for setting off secondaries may be using small firecrackers. I know where I live I c ...
17-5-2014 at 14:40
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
That seems like a lot, what a waste of precious ethanol!
17-5-2014 at 12:31
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
How much ethanol should I use to recrystallise?
17-5-2014 at 04:34
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
Finally worked out a working method for ETN.
Pour 60ml of 91% sulfuric acid into a conical flask an ...
17-5-2014 at 03:26
by: Manifest
-Naphthalene Usage-
I don't understand the fascination with napalm, it burns, that's it? Can someone explain?
14-5-2014 at 10:06
by: Manifest
New Messages Since Last Visit
Yes, it would be hard to implement unless there is a plugin for this outdated forum software
14-5-2014 at 09:46
by: Manifest
Science Secret Santa!
[rquote=331185&tid=30365&author=BobD1001]We should do our own version! That would be pretty ...
13-5-2014 at 09:33
by: Manifest
Science Secret Santa!
[rquote=331176&tid=30365&author=Antiswat]could be interesting, too bad i dont live in the US ...
13-5-2014 at 09:11
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
[rquote=331022&tid=26572&author=markx][rquote=330975&tid=26572&author=Manifest]What ...
13-5-2014 at 09:07
by: Manifest
Latest chemical order?
91% Sulfuric acid from B&Q
KNO3 from amazon
MMO anode from user above me
Erythritol from amaz ...
12-5-2014 at 11:28
by: Manifest
Science Secret Santa!
I thought this might be of interest:
Redditgifts are doing a science secret Santa where you both ge ...
12-5-2014 at 08:47
by: Manifest
Fix or toss
Good idea, put them in a ball mill to polish them so you don't cut yourself
11-5-2014 at 13:47
by: Manifest
Short question / quick answer - Thread
What synthesis do you guys follow for ETN?
Yes, I have U.T.F.S.E and followed the thread titled 'ET ...
11-5-2014 at 13:20
by: Manifest
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