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alternative oxidizers for hydrazine production How about adding ammonium nitrate to form hydrazine nitrate?Just my ignorence but would hydrzaine ni ... |
19-11-2003 at 21:59 by: Iv4 |
alternative oxidizers for hydrazine production Not much [URL=]but[/URL] it all I could find.Couldnt th ... |
19-11-2003 at 00:30 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin I meant ,CycloKnight, that I still think AP wont go of without provocation,but I've realized th ... |
18-11-2003 at 23:58 by: Iv4 |
Sorry for the delay I guess I did go overboard and for that I must apologise 
I still think that AP accidents are o ... |
17-11-2003 at 01:12 by: Iv4 |
Ammonium Nitrate and detonation Was that 1:1 APAN by weight or volume?
I've experimented with it somewhat before I prety muc ... |
2-11-2003 at 05:43 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin I understand your point Cyclo and its a noble thing to do but seriosly of al
the thousands of peo ... |
2-11-2003 at 05:34 by: Iv4 |
PVN What if NaNO3 were used? |
2-11-2003 at 05:20 by: Iv4 |
Tri-Nitrocellulose NC wont detonate.I know that some smokeless powders can detonatw when initiated but those are just t ... |
2-11-2003 at 05:17 by: Iv4 |
I dont have a scale either I usualy use the old fashioned way and balance a small cup of water and the thing to be weighed on a ... |
26-10-2003 at 22:19 by: Iv4 |
Urea explorations Thanks for the links.Could it be carried out without the catalyst? |
25-10-2003 at 23:01 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin NG is less sensitive than AP.I probably made less than 100 mls of NG in total but have enough experi ... |
24-10-2003 at 23:25 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin without nitric acid Your NG went clear instantly?Thats od(in a good way though ).Usually the
ammonium nitrate is adde ... |
21-10-2003 at 23:00 by: Iv4 |
Ammonium Dynamite Whatever AN source you use its always a good idea to extract it with atleast water(unless you have t ... |
20-10-2003 at 03:12 by: Iv4 |
Probably taking a risk posting but... I'm kinda like the embasedor of BS to madsci(just like one- serve absolutly no purpose).I found ... |
20-10-2003 at 03:04 by: Iv4 |
Tri-Nitrocellulose I know its' proibaby one of the gayest threads there(I say probably because I dont visit the cr ... |
19-10-2003 at 23:56 by: Iv4 |
Microwave related Nice page!
Mircowaves are prety usefull if your going to work with carbon dioxide and copper vapo ... |
19-10-2003 at 00:33 by: Iv4 |
Tri-Nitrocellulose [url=;act=ST;f=6 ... |
18-10-2003 at 03:53 by: Iv4 |
perpetual motion The probem is always as vulture said.
If there was a massive coil of some sort on satelite it co ... |
15-10-2003 at 22:43 by: Iv4 |
Tabun-think I got it No interest in actually making it(we right now)but just wanted to check my half ass theory. |
15-10-2003 at 22:24 by: Iv4 |
Ammonium Nitrate and detonation I supose they consider defalration to be detonation.
How much energy does it take to set of AN?I ... |
14-10-2003 at 04:59 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin I have a rough theory since sodium nitrate is better than potasium(it was tried out along time ago-b ... |
14-10-2003 at 04:37 by: Iv4 |
Monomethylamine Nitrate ( MMAN ) Seems just like HMDN-an excelent way to waste hexamine(no offense or anything).HMTD and RDX are both ... |
13-10-2003 at 02:58 by: Iv4 |
Ammonium Nitrate and detonation Most flamable things do tend to form a powerfull(in a comparetive sort of way)LE.Thats probably what ... |
13-10-2003 at 02:50 by: Iv4 |
nitroglycerin I think I can help out a bit here.On BS theres a thread dedicated to this and I know how some of you ... |
13-10-2003 at 02:38 by: Iv4 |
Tabun-think I got it But since carbon monoxyde and phosphoric acid are cheaper it would be better right?Since that way yo ... |
12-10-2003 at 23:23 by: Iv4 |
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