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Determining the Concentration of Dimethylamine in Anhydrous Ethanol Yup, karlos is right, titration will suffice actually. If you do it carefully and with low concentra ... |
18-4-2021 at 14:15 by: Antigua |
Determining the Concentration of Dimethylamine in Anhydrous Ethanol Yes. You can prepare anhydrous HCl by slowly dripping conc. HCl into conc. sulfuric acid and passing ... |
18-4-2021 at 14:08 by: Antigua |
Determining the Concentration of Dimethylamine in Anhydrous Ethanol Did you consider salting out the amine with anh. HCl and then evaporating all the ethanol to see how ... |
18-4-2021 at 13:25 by: Antigua |
Has anyone smelled hydrazoic acid?How does it smell like?Is it worse than chlorine,ozone and nitrogen dioxide? No, not at all. SO2 has a very "penetrating" and sort of sweet, but disgusting in larger concentrati ... |
18-4-2021 at 07:54 by: Antigua |
What is happening at Deschem? Of course their COVID situation is thousends times worse than what the official numbers are. 10 case ... |
15-4-2021 at 08:33 by: Antigua |
Alcohol 99,9% You should contact the producer and your local consumer ombudsman about this. |
8-4-2021 at 07:58 by: Antigua |
Got a new RotoVap! Looks cool. How much was it?
2-4-2021 at 06:28 by: Antigua |
The Sciencemadness Index Indexes like this already exist... chemiru, PubChem and ChemSpider all list solubilities in differen ... |
30-3-2021 at 23:46 by: Antigua |
24/40, 24/29, 29/32, what is the best? I highly advise you to get some 24 to 29 and 29 to 24 adapters. They are very cheap and they solve a ... |
28-3-2021 at 09:26 by: Antigua |
24/40, 24/29, 29/32, what is the best? Generally, 24/29 and 24/40 are considered "american". These are the most used standards in Chinese g ... |
28-3-2021 at 09:07 by: Antigua |
The Short Questions Thread (4) You need less power for heating mantles than for hotplates in terms of heating (1/2 the power, as a ... |
21-3-2021 at 13:36 by: Antigua |
Cold and Minty CaCl2 + ice gets lower than -35 if I recall correctly. Just toss some CaCl2 with ice and add a bit o ... |
2-3-2021 at 03:21 by: Antigua |
Formaldehyde bisulfite adduct preparation Important!
The melting point of what I obtained was measured. The product started fizzing and effe ... |
20-2-2021 at 07:04 by: Antigua |
what do you use to store iodine/bromine Come on, it's not that difficult to understand that some businessess just prefer to do things that a ... |
18-2-2021 at 01:21 by: Antigua |
He vs H Not sure what you mean exactly, but in standard conditions of pressure and temperature helium has de ... |
8-2-2021 at 14:16 by: Antigua |
Formaldehyde bisulfite adduct preparation After a couple weeks of dessicating the solid over sodium hydroxide (replaced it once) beautiful, sp ... |
17-1-2021 at 12:44 by: Antigua |
Chlorination Bubbling a stoichiometric amount of gas in is very difficult. Maybe with a help of air pump it would ... |
10-1-2021 at 10:47 by: Antigua |
How to get Methyl Ethyl Ketone (Butanone) in California or suitable alternative? [rquote=652855&tid=70930&author=Fluorite]If i bubble methyl chloride through acetone would i ... |
9-1-2021 at 15:47 by: Antigua |
Proposed novel 6-step syntheis of 5-MeO-4-AcO-DMT
This should blow away any doubts. Ferric chloride ... |
3-1-2021 at 10:38 by: Antigua |
Proposed novel 6-step syntheis of 5-MeO-4-AcO-DMT
Methyl chloroacetate or bromoacetate are ch ... |
3-1-2021 at 09:57 by: Antigua |
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went] Unfortunately still nothing came to my door
It's probably because of our post service, they suc ... |
2-1-2021 at 08:35 by: Antigua |
Formaldehyde bisulfite adduct preparation Surprise!
The flask sat in my freezer for a week now and wasted precious cold space. So I removed i ... |
29-12-2020 at 06:09 by: Antigua |
Ika or Corning? Both are good, IKA are the best though. Simply built and reliable. |
27-12-2020 at 12:44 by: Antigua |
Alternative solvent for the delepine reaction. |
27-12-2020 at 03:57 by: Antigua |
The Short Questions Thread (4) Why not? Alcohols don't form peroxides like ethers. |
24-12-2020 at 08:04 by: Antigua |
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