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latest glassware purchase
I was browsing online for gifts for other people, and then couldn't resist buying myself a couple ch ...
29-11-2020 at 13:22
by: DraconicAcid
Everyday Chemistry
I mentioned in another thread that I was trying to expand the number of possible metals in my colleg ...
29-11-2020 at 11:31
by: DraconicAcid
Curcumin Extraction Solvents
I wonder if it would make acac-like complexes with transition metals.

I really should google inst ...
26-11-2020 at 21:14
by: DraconicAcid
Tungsten chemistry
Interesting. I saved some filaments from some old light bulbs a number of years ago, intending to d ...
24-11-2020 at 14:12
by: DraconicAcid
Separation of chromium from vanadium
Okay, let me preface this by saying that I know work-related questions aren't allowed here. But I ge ...
23-11-2020 at 22:25
by: DraconicAcid
2020 Secret Santa [tell everyone how it went]
Apologies to my Secret Santee- I just got around to ordering your present tonight. But it should ge ...
22-11-2020 at 23:04
by: DraconicAcid
Everyday Chemistry

My son and I were filming the various vanadium reductions for the online version of the sta ...
22-11-2020 at 23:02
by: DraconicAcid
Curcumin Extraction Solvents
What does it decompose to in basic solution?
22-11-2020 at 20:41
by: DraconicAcid
Sodium Iodide does Not Dissolve in Acetone? Why?
[rquote=649637&tid=156577&author=CharlieA]In general, ionic compounds (like NaI and NaIO[sub ...
22-11-2020 at 16:58
by: DraconicAcid
Synthetic procedures in research papers?
Most synthetic procedures are written by grad students who have done the reaction a dozen times, and ...
22-11-2020 at 16:03
by: DraconicAcid
**FAILURE**Differential Solubility: Separate Sand and Sucrose
Even if you didn't get nice crystals of sugar, you did successfully separate them.
22-11-2020 at 12:51
by: DraconicAcid
Are hexane and petroleum ether interchangeable?
Also, it's useful as an antisolvent because of its low boiling point. Use it to wash your precipita ...
19-11-2020 at 14:37
by: DraconicAcid
Isocyanate synthesis via halide displacement
If you put the charge on the N instead of the O, that's not equilibrium, that's resonance. -O-C(tri ...
19-11-2020 at 09:53
by: DraconicAcid
Isocyanate synthesis via halide displacement
I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as an alkali isocyanate. A cyanate can only be "iso" by coval ...
19-11-2020 at 09:41
by: DraconicAcid
Are hexane and petroleum ether interchangeable?
[rquote=649394&tid=156555&author=Fyndium]How useful are hexanes, pet ether and similar hydro ...
19-11-2020 at 08:15
by: DraconicAcid
Are hexane and petroleum ether interchangeable?
Petroleum ether is a mixture, and is generally cheaper. That's about it.
18-11-2020 at 16:49
by: DraconicAcid
Interesting and colorful coordination chemistry with ethylene diamine
Tetrafluoborateis not a ligand- it is very non-coordinating. Unlike perchlorates, it's also non-oxi ...
18-11-2020 at 16:48
by: DraconicAcid
Everyday Chemistry
Nickel ammonia complexes are particularly prone to losing ammonia.
18-11-2020 at 08:59
by: DraconicAcid
LAH reduction question(s)
[rquote=649246&tid=156545&author=Dr.Bob]If you try to add LAH powder to the THF or worse yet ...
16-11-2020 at 12:45
by: DraconicAcid
NaBH4 substitute
It's not the same reaction. A carboxylic acid RCO2H could be reduced to an alcohol RCH2OH with LiAl ...
16-11-2020 at 12:17
by: DraconicAcid
Everyday Chemistry
[rquote=649174&tid=84298&author=woelen]Did some crystallization of a mixed ethylenediamine/a ...
15-11-2020 at 11:16
by: DraconicAcid
Free radical bromination on only the terminal ends of hexane
No, because the boiling points are probably not that different, and you would get ideal solutions in ...
15-11-2020 at 11:07
by: DraconicAcid
How to remove brown stains off beaker
If it's organic, but acetone does not do the trick, a small amount of boiling nitric acid will rip i ...
15-11-2020 at 10:23
by: DraconicAcid
Free radical bromination on only the terminal ends of hexane
If there was any way you could get the bromoalkanes to rearrange, they would rearrange to secondary ...
15-11-2020 at 10:21
by: DraconicAcid
Everyday Chemistry
Agreed. I've had my students run it through a column and it still turns out resiny.
14-11-2020 at 10:24
by: DraconicAcid
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