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CERN Supercollider
To bad nothing is going to be happening that is exciting and likley to lead to discovery for the nex ...
10-9-2008 at 17:04
by: kclo4
Making Copper Acetate?
Oh thats very interesting, thank you both for explaining that! I'll have to keep this in mind :D
10-9-2008 at 16:48
by: kclo4
A Chat Room for Sciencemadness?
Oh really?
Dang, well maybe not many people knew about it?
Because I didn't, and I have been on th ...
10-9-2008 at 16:42
by: kclo4
A Chat Room for Sciencemadness?
All right, I'm certain this isn't a novel idea, but I just thought I would bring it up since I have ...
9-9-2008 at 21:17
by: kclo4
Moron knows no science...blames chemicals
I'll actually give her a break, thinking of our good old friend Kent Hovind for winning the stupides ...
9-9-2008 at 19:38
by: kclo4
Making Copper Acetate?
How much of a difference does boiling make?
Does it take the ultra fine calcium sulfate to somethin ...
9-9-2008 at 16:53
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
Oh haha ok that makes sense to me thanks :D
9-9-2008 at 15:06
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
I should have been more descriptive.
I meant to take toluene chlorinate it with TCCA/HCl to Benzyl ...
9-9-2008 at 13:32
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
No that is also another problem, but I wasn't planning on getting a run away since I wasn't going to ...
8-9-2008 at 19:28
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
According to Wikipedia (not the best source I know, but heh) - "Being an ether, MTBE is a Lewis base ...
8-9-2008 at 18:49
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
I see... Dang.
Are you sure it will only produce Propylene? That seems a bit wierd to me. Why would ...
8-9-2008 at 18:38
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
Well, I know Diethyl Ether can be obtained as a.. solvent of some sort at walmart, etc. but I have h ...
8-9-2008 at 18:09
by: kclo4
Best Ether for Grignard?
All right I really want to perform a Grignard reaction. I however don't have a cheap source of an et ...
8-9-2008 at 17:39
by: kclo4
Making Copper Acetate?
A few years ago I produced Copper Acetate by electrolysis of copper wires in Vinegar IIRC.

Calci ...
8-9-2008 at 16:30
by: kclo4
Sometimes old is Good!
Well that is very cool! You should see how big you can really get those copper sulfate crystals. I g ...
8-9-2008 at 16:24
by: kclo4
Acetonitrile form Ammonium acetate
This is just for fun, or do you actually need it? I totally understand making it just for fun but if ...
7-9-2008 at 21:19
by: kclo4
Urea to nuetralize?
Isn't it Furfural?
"Furan can be obtained from furfural by ox ...
7-9-2008 at 20:04
by: kclo4
n,n-dimethyltryptamine by Eschweiler-Clarke methylation of tryptamine
Haha quadruple posts, and they were all supposed to be one. Edit button works by the way :P
Thanks ...
6-9-2008 at 22:24
by: kclo4
quick safety question regarding Acetic anhydride
What is it you are doing anyways what requires it to be heated in an oven? I'm curious :P
6-9-2008 at 14:53
by: kclo4
ester project
http://en.wik ...
5-9-2008 at 16:28
by: kclo4
Chlorate Cell with different electrolute
I know you don't have a great potassium source, and this isn't really one, but I'd imagine if you wa ...
5-9-2008 at 16:20
by: kclo4
Energy research chemistry
If the grass were dried, it could be turned into a powder much more easily.

Boiling a large can o ...
1-9-2008 at 20:04
by: kclo4
Separation of thiols and ketones
Sulfides tend to under go hydrolysis rather easily I believe. So I would think that heating to drive ...
1-9-2008 at 02:10
by: kclo4
Junk members
Do the older junk members get deleted as well? I think it would be good if people who weren't active ...
29-8-2008 at 22:54
by: kclo4
Battery Acid Boil.

Read about its chemical and physical properties, do you think ...
27-8-2008 at 20:38
by: kclo4
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