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must haves for home lab setups?
i am going to take college chemistry class. i mean you could easily spend five thousand dollars and ...
13-2-2010 at 19:44
by: thereelstory
must haves for home lab setups?
curious what are must haves for decent home labs.?like equiptment/reagents
13-2-2010 at 17:22
by: thereelstory
yes i am curious about your inventory.
please send info via U2U.
8-2-2010 at 08:06
by: thereelstory
hydrogen peroxide(again? wtf..)

okay imo it just cant be that hard. just scale it ...
6-2-2010 at 16:52
by: thereelstory

[Edited on 7-2-2010 by thereelstory]
6-2-2010 at 16:47
by: thereelstory
other good science/chemistry forums?
i have a small list of decent chemistry forums. can anyone contribute to the list? free or subscript ...
4-2-2010 at 17:11
by: thereelstory
synthesis of H2o2??
im a rookie wanna be science freak. spoon fed is a good place to start. i figure there are plenty of ...
4-2-2010 at 17:01
by: thereelstory
synthesis of H2o2??
whats wrong with PURE hydrogen peroxide?
4-2-2010 at 09:18
by: thereelstory
synthesis of H2o2??
the problem is these h202 posts have lead to dead ends, or at best diluted h202. how increadible wou ...
3-2-2010 at 20:34
by: thereelstory
synthesis of H2o2??
ok still learning the tricks of navigation....utfse
3-2-2010 at 20:23
by: thereelstory
synthesis of H2o2??
does anyone have any good suggestions for a synthesis of 1 liter batches of hydrogen peroxide?
3-2-2010 at 18:21
by: thereelstory
essential components?
ok, would it be safe to just make all the components as described with the listed dimensions for sta ...
3-2-2010 at 18:19
by: thereelstory
thankyou for sharing your experience!
simply incredible and imaginative.
1-2-2010 at 20:51
by: thereelstory
ammonium bisulphate?
any one have an idea for a prep for this? ultimately looking to prep h202. any suggestions?
thanks ...
24-1-2010 at 09:37
by: thereelstory
anhydrous ammonia
here is some simple advice:

Ammonia is legal to purchase. if you are legally utilizing ammonia, t ...
23-1-2010 at 19:40
by: thereelstory
synthesis of formaldehyde?
could someone please give me some insight on how to prepare this?
19-1-2010 at 20:50
by: thereelstory

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