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Ester vs. carbonyl/ketone
I mean sterically hindered, and as I know that ketones and aldehydes are reactive to some extend, my ...
8-3-2007 at 10:06
by: nightflight
Ester vs. carbonyl/ketone

is the carbonyl of an ester some kind of sterically protected, in contrast do a regular keton ...
8-3-2007 at 06:19
by: nightflight
It´s ok, I´ve got it, please delete, if you think this discussion is obsolete.
2-3-2007 at 15:16
by: nightflight

if, for reagents and solvents, there´re equivalents given, what does it mean? Is it molar eq ...
2-3-2007 at 11:46
by: nightflight
Sassafras albidum bark
Iwouldn´t recommend it, the density/spec. weight of *yourfavouriterootbark* is too close to that of ...
23-2-2007 at 06:30
by: nightflight
MV application to reductive amination
[quote][i]Originally posted by chemrox[/i]
From my reading so far, you just need a compatible sourc ...
22-2-2007 at 17:48
by: nightflight
MV application to reductive amination
The idea was to avoid the use of the catalyst, by the use of formic acid as the reducing agent unde ...
21-2-2007 at 11:01
by: nightflight
Corey House reaction
I´ve just read that grignard is possible in coupling the reagents with the corresponding halide and ...
21-2-2007 at 09:56
by: nightflight
MV application to reductive amination

I was wondering about a modification of the Leuckart reductive amination process, more over a ...
21-2-2007 at 09:49
by: nightflight
Corey House reaction

I just realized that it´s not possible to use Grignard in a coupling rxn of an aryl halide a ...
20-2-2007 at 16:11
by: nightflight
toluene --> benzaldehyde
[quote][i]Originally posted by technologist[/i]
May be an Stupid Question?
Can I make it using Ben ...
15-2-2007 at 12:55
by: nightflight
Mn(III)catalyst prep and subsequent rxn?
Yes, you´re right, cleaning and reaction work-up is my weakness, but then again, I´m lazy, at leas ...
14-2-2007 at 20:21
by: nightflight
Mn(III)catalyst prep and subsequent rxn?

after some reading I decided to prepare the Mn(III)(0AC)*2H2O
catalyst from Mn(II)(OAc)*4H2 ...
14-2-2007 at 19:29
by: nightflight
What about the Hexamethylentetramine with HCL synth? -Are there any write-ups?

The Hex is OTC and ...
14-2-2007 at 10:59
by: nightflight
overhauling a diaphragma-pump

I´ve recedntly tried to estimate the vacuum my pump pulls,
after hearing some strange soun ...
14-2-2007 at 08:44
by: nightflight
Methyliodid and funstuff do do with it
Wow, that´s a lot of useful applications, especially its application in Grignard, thanks, Sauron, I ...
9-2-2007 at 11:19
by: nightflight
Methyliodid and funstuff do do with it

recently a reaction gave methyliodid as a byproduct and
I wonder now, if it´s worth keepin ...
9-2-2007 at 09:08
by: nightflight
Ketone to amine: in search of a greener way...
the methoxy-grop is very stable, ethers are protective groups, to be cleaved, when the more reactiv ...
3-2-2007 at 15:52
by: nightflight
Hydroiodic acid made in situ
The I2 and H2S method works, but it seems, that the endprocduct is not as strong as in situ generate ...
25-1-2007 at 07:34
by: nightflight
Then and now
Wow, never thought, that there´re so many sharing my opinion on this.
Plus, I feel like I must go ...
27-12-2006 at 05:37
by: nightflight
Tough security proposed for chemicals
We should always be remebered on what our society is good for, and this is to enable us to live a li ...
24-12-2006 at 12:35
by: nightflight
Several questions regarding Eugenol
You could get away with boiling,resp. refluxing the phenyl ether with a conc. halide acid, which is ...
24-12-2006 at 06:36
by: nightflight
WTF how to synthesize this?
the cyclos can be purchased easily and should react with the substance by mixing it, for the other s ...
24-12-2006 at 02:43
by: nightflight
Cleaning Inside of Flask
Just use some towel (paper or wool) and put it into the flask, jusdt enought thatit fills the flask ...
24-12-2006 at 02:40
by: nightflight
Several questions regarding Eugenol
Sometimes, it´s all seems so narrowminded, as the narrow-minded force us to see it all as they do.
22-12-2006 at 03:28
by: nightflight
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