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Powerful ozonizer, is it possible at home?
Well, the sellers of these things do often claim better numbers than can be had.
And they always as ...
17-4-2024 at 03:58
by: Mateo_swe
ITER: A useful nuclear fusion experiment or a waste of money ?
ITER is a huge waste of money, thats my oppinion.
The idea that going bigger will solve problems an ...
17-4-2024 at 03:29
by: Mateo_swe
What is needed to store synthesised gasses in gas cylinders
The guy in this YT video makes hydrogen and stores it under pressure in tanks.
Seems like he uses a ...
11-4-2024 at 13:37
by: Mateo_swe
Lighting solid steel on fire with a propane torch
Stainless steel burns if hot enough and burns good if oxygen is supplied.
We have some thermal lanc ...
11-4-2024 at 13:28
by: Mateo_swe
What is needed to store synthesised gasses in gas cylinders
There are videos of storing various gases in diffenent cylinders on youtube.
I dont have exact vide ...
10-4-2024 at 03:59
by: Mateo_swe
Powerful ozonizer, is it possible at home?
There are these ozone generators found on ebay and similar sites.
This one is advertised as 28g/h a ...
10-4-2024 at 03:55
by: Mateo_swe
Hardware Store source for carbon tubes/electrodes
I would think it´s better to buy a precious metal electrode for electrochemical experiments.
They ...
10-4-2024 at 03:18
by: Mateo_swe
Obtaining Benzaldehyde
Benzaldehyde is avaliable on ebay if you are in Europe or UK.
Just search for benzaldehyde or Bitte ...
10-4-2024 at 03:04
by: Mateo_swe
Extracting the alkaloid scopolamine from datura stramonium seeds?
I think you should see this VICE documentary about scopolamine before you make up your mind about tr ...
10-4-2024 at 02:54
by: Mateo_swe
Stainless Steel Reaction Vessels
There are these "Hydrothermal Autoclave Reactor" made of stainless steel that is used for chemical r ...
10-4-2024 at 01:24
by: Mateo_swe
Nitric acid from mild electrochemistry
Whats wrong with the more common methods using a nitrate salt and sulfuric acid?
You can use a bisu ...
13-10-2023 at 01:14
by: Mateo_swe
Extracting the alkaloid scopolamine from datura stramonium seeds?
Atropine used to be used in the military as an antidote to some biological weapons and gases.
They ...
27-9-2023 at 06:22
by: Mateo_swe
A theoretical question
Cant you just use one of those hydrothermal reactor vessels or a DIY alternative?
They are made for ...
13-9-2023 at 06:24
by: Mateo_swe
Extracting the alkaloid scopolamine from datura stramonium seeds?
I think you should be somewhat careful with scopolamine, its the worst of this type of alkaloids and ...
13-9-2023 at 06:13
by: Mateo_swe
What is needed to store synthesised gasses in gas cylinders
If you have a suitable container with a outlet and inlet valve (that can handle the pressures) maybe ...
13-9-2023 at 05:53
by: Mateo_swe
Watched precursors now being sold on ebay
Well, i dont know.
There are so different rules in different contries, in some almost anything is o ...
27-4-2023 at 03:17
by: Mateo_swe
Warfarin syntheses
Poor rats, they are living animals too.
If you need to kill them, do it quickly.
Just put a big tu ...
26-4-2023 at 04:50
by: Mateo_swe
Trying to Build First Electrolytic Cell: Diaphragm/Ion Permeable Membrane?
The absolute easiest membrane is a clay pot, preferably without the hole in the bottom.
It can have ...
8-3-2023 at 13:04
by: Mateo_swe
Piperic acid oxidation to Piperonal
You can oxidize piperine to piperonal using an ozone generator supplied with oxygen from a oxygen co ...
6-3-2023 at 02:44
by: Mateo_swe
Nitroethane route
Maybe you can try the procedure on a small scale and try verify that the product truly is nitroethan ...
6-3-2023 at 02:27
by: Mateo_swe
Any recommended vendors in the Ukraine?
So, using a VPN where you can choose your coutry/nationality can be a usable thing.
Maybe a lot mor ...
24-2-2023 at 04:35
by: Mateo_swe
Trying my hand at genetically modifying plants
If you want some info about DIY sterile teqniques look at the mushroom growing comunity, they got al ...
21-2-2023 at 06:34
by: Mateo_swe
Ball lightning and cavitation?
I saw a tv program about ball lightning.
There was an ongoing experiment when the ball lightning fe ...
21-2-2023 at 05:54
by: Mateo_swe
Water Pump Choice for Nalgene Aspirator
Water pumps for medium/large aquariums or small fountains usually work and are cheap.
20-2-2023 at 13:54
by: Mateo_swe
Any recommended vendors in the Ukraine?
No items?
I see 354 items listed.
Li, Na metals, lots of chemicals and stuff. ...
20-2-2023 at 13:39
by: Mateo_swe
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