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HBr synthesis from BCDMH
PbBr 0.4g/100mL
PbBrO3 = 8g/100mL 20*C
Pb ClO3 2 = 144g/20*C 100mL
PbCl 0.67g/100mL 0*C

PbCl ...
27-3-2023 at 02:25
by: Fantasma4500
EGDN decomposition- safely?
im not sure how this can be misunderstood, im interested in using the acids instead of dunking it do ...
27-3-2023 at 02:14
by: Fantasma4500
CWE of Piperidine
it may be possible to defat the pepper first up by boiling it with NaOH solution, then the dried out ...
22-3-2023 at 06:50
by: Fantasma4500
Anyone know what I can do with Manganese(III) Oxide
NaOH and a sugar should cause it to turn into MnO or similar lower oxide which shouldnt oxidize acid ...
22-3-2023 at 06:48
by: Fantasma4500
DCM vs. Chloroform for Extractions
DCM for sure, chloroform you can make yourself- DCM, well good luck.
not to mention the vast solub ...
21-3-2023 at 09:21
by: Fantasma4500
EU illegal chemicals -> useful legal ones?
well. NaHSO4- or just go for straight up nitric acid production through electricity- maybe im thinki ...
21-3-2023 at 09:08
by: Fantasma4500
EGDN decomposition- safely?
hi, so i noticed most people dunk their nitration mix in water- which seems really stupid to me sinc ...
20-3-2023 at 20:31
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
this effect is also seen with zinc and aluminium, aluminium has the added issue that its oxide is ex ...
25-2-2023 at 07:31
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
oh, i meant it as in- steel as in solid steel rod is much more readily available. ive barely seen st ...
21-2-2023 at 10:47
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
yes, agree- however with repetitions it will wear down, i tried to press a square brass plate and it ...
20-2-2023 at 08:48
by: Fantasma4500
Det Cap Strategies
dragon eggs have practically zero brisance, poor predictor for it being useful for initiation
i hav ...
19-2-2023 at 02:26
by: Fantasma4500
Nitrogallate, tannins- natural resources
i got a bag of tannins sitting around that i extracted from wood bark, looking into uses i found it ...
18-2-2023 at 03:42
by: Fantasma4500
New chemical restrictions in Canada?
maybe bromide isnt toxic enough? dipping in a swimming pool can starve your testosterone for as long ...
17-2-2023 at 08:53
by: Fantasma4500
more frightening privacy stuff
vague number from hm- 10 years ago, 1% of the population in my country is actively under surveillanc ...
17-2-2023 at 08:49
by: Fantasma4500
EU Survey on Chemical Restrictions – Stop further chemical bans
@blogfast: was* european- technically UK isnt europe. ☻

seems that the UK is getting worse much ...
17-2-2023 at 08:43
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
copper is a slight bit harder than ALUMINIUM*- so al mold def not a good idea- besides the softer yo ...
17-2-2023 at 05:50
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
hammer, copper liners- would it be possible to hammer through copper plate if one was to make a setu ...
16-2-2023 at 09:43
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
oh boy.. do i have something to share. to my understanding attempts ive seen every now and then of p ...
12-2-2023 at 11:19
by: Fantasma4500
EU Survey on Chemical Restrictions – Stop further chemical bans
well unrealistic things are happening that i would never have put my money on- and it will take some ...
11-2-2023 at 04:47
by: Fantasma4500
Guess who just got raided boys
well- theyre desperate to find some action, many ended up working as police because they wanted to d ...
11-2-2023 at 04:19
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=681297&tid=10575&author=Microtek]@ Antiswat: It's possible the printet copper cone w ...
9-2-2023 at 11:36
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
[rquote=681272&tid=10575&author=Herr Haber]@Antiswat: Just read through all your points and ...
6-2-2023 at 10:46
by: Fantasma4500
Unconventional Shaped Charges
one youtuber that oftenly does shaped charges had a video where he had a liner that was made out of ...
4-2-2023 at 23:13
by: Fantasma4500
Pepper to Piperine problem
i was looking for some stuff on hexane and piperine and instead ended up on ethyl formate
did 500g ...
25-1-2023 at 12:30
by: Fantasma4500
Glycine Perchlorate
about NH4ClO3 it was tested by Dornier335A and he found it to be a bit disappointing, seemed sort of ...
14-1-2023 at 14:23
by: Fantasma4500
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