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Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I never heard of Kings Survival Chemistry. It sounds like a contemporary descendant in spirit of The ...
25-12-2006 at 08:47
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
A license is required from the Ministry of Defense to import or manufacture chemicals on a certain l ...
25-12-2006 at 08:38
by: Sauron
Benzoic Acid, Carbamid>Benzamid>Anilin?
Is aniline suddenly hard to buy? If so it's a good thing I have a lot of it on hand. If you work wi ...
25-12-2006 at 06:46
by: Sauron
dry ethanol, ether, THF...
As you know some reactions just don't go well with any water around. The Grignard. Even more so lith ...
25-12-2006 at 06:19
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
This might help those who can't obtain Mg powder but note that the product is highly pyrophoric (!) ...
25-12-2006 at 05:51
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I checked some numbers and it appears I overestimated the % P content of PBr3. It's only c.11%. Ther ...
25-12-2006 at 03:24
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
The shaking can be replaced with a spinbar and a mag stirrer, if the stress of the Hg in a shaker is ...
24-12-2006 at 21:39
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
[quote][i]Originally posted by 12AX7[/i]

Hey Sauron, did you go through the turstiles sidewa ...
24-12-2006 at 20:35
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I peeked at Alfa's catalog. Calcium phosphide (tech grade) is an off the shelf item, 250 g is well u ...
24-12-2006 at 20:30
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
No, I missed that, it's a long thread. I read the first few pages, then found that procedure in Brau ...
24-12-2006 at 18:12
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Dun me for a coward but I'd rather not have to work with WP "willie peter" unless given no choice. I ...
24-12-2006 at 10:08
by: Sauron
thionyl chloride
The problem is political. SOCl2 has been demonized because Saddam used it to chlorinate thiodiglycol ...
24-12-2006 at 07:17
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Footnote to above

Hg d 13.5 g/ml, b.p. c.350 C

PBr3 d 2.88 b.p. 175 C

I reckon that the sca ...
24-12-2006 at 06:56
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
Brauer p.522, "bright red" (vermillion) P from Hg and PBr3.

55 g Hg
51 g PBr3

Heated two days ...
24-12-2006 at 06:31
by: Sauron
Phosphorus Chlorides
Anyway back to topic:

POCl3 is indeed easily made, from available cheap P2O5 by rxn with oxalyl c ...
24-12-2006 at 04:04
by: Sauron
understanding gaussian
You might also want to consider

MOPAC from the free ported Version 6 to the various less than fr ...
24-12-2006 at 03:38
by: Sauron
P4O10 and P4S10 w/Oxalyl Chloride
I started this thread a while back asking what would happen upon direct chlorination of P4S10 (phosp ...
24-12-2006 at 02:14
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
By the way my application for trimethyl or triethyl phosphite is the prepn of BEDT-TTF. The final co ...
23-12-2006 at 18:57
by: Sauron
Preparation of elemental phosphorus
I have some legitimate uses for trialkyl phospites but the lower ones at least are verboten per CWC. ...
23-12-2006 at 18:35
by: Sauron
Tough security proposed for chemicals
Politicians love going after soft targets and inanimate objects. Going after malefactors is too hard ...
23-12-2006 at 17:51
by: Sauron
pentaerythritol from methanol and ethanol
I believe that's the usual path to RDX etc not to PETN. The former is a nitramine, the latter is not ...
23-12-2006 at 17:14
by: Sauron
What can I do with Sulfur?
Sulfur chemists generally only socialize with other sulfur chemists. The stench of many sulfur compo ...
23-12-2006 at 10:13
by: Sauron
Methods of Chlorination of Primary non Benzylic Alcohols
Yep, that's the CC route to alkyl halides I had in mind. Note that it also represents a cheap and fa ...
23-12-2006 at 09:52
by: Sauron
WTF how to synthesize this?
Or make some PT-141 instead.
23-12-2006 at 06:52
by: Sauron
Need help with prep. of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene
Phthalic anhydride is a very inexpensive compound. If your object is to make phthalimide then you wi ...
23-12-2006 at 06:43
by: Sauron
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