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HHO combustion questions
[quote] you prefer people like Anders Breivik
leeching info on energetics having an ill will ...
26-2-2013 at 17:56
by: Bot0nist
Phosphorus based nitration
Can you provide a few references for those claims, just to make it a little more of a wholesome conv ...
22-2-2013 at 19:26
by: Bot0nist
Strontium as a dietary supplement
have you seen some of the crap people can claim and sell on the internet.
they cant put anything on ...
21-2-2013 at 12:39
by: Bot0nist
Inhaled some NO2 ...
Likely just corneal irritation and burn from the acid attack. Should subside in a day or two. If irr ...
20-2-2013 at 07:03
by: Bot0nist
Inhaled some NO2 ...
Glasses wont help your eyes from being attacted by noxious gasses. Use a fume hood for deadly and in ...
20-2-2013 at 06:21
by: Bot0nist
I dont like reading glaring errors either, but I cant say much about them because I have become reli ...
19-2-2013 at 20:10
by: Bot0nist
The hypocrite remark was not ment to be taken to heart bfesser. I just thought it odd the joke threa ...
19-2-2013 at 12:03
by: Bot0nist
Inhaled some NO2 ...
I was exposed to NOx before, in large enough dose that I was very ill. Like the worst chest cold you ...
19-2-2013 at 11:17
by: Bot0nist
Medical Advice
I will admit I am poorly versed on the law, but wouldn't non-liability be implied, based on the fact ...
19-2-2013 at 11:12
by: Bot0nist
Non-aculterated, new members will always be distruptive or at least annoying in any forum, or any an ...
18-2-2013 at 18:48
by: Bot0nist
Is that rant considered satirical humor, or ironic comedy. I get my literary terms mixed up, but eit ...
18-2-2013 at 18:34
by: Bot0nist
I would agree. I am back from a few months away from the board and things seem a bit touchy. May jus ...
18-2-2013 at 12:34
by: Bot0nist
Industry City Distillery -- Vodka for chem geeks?
I thought the "bag of dicks" jab was pretty funny, though perhaps a bit hypocritical in light of the ...
18-2-2013 at 06:39
by: Bot0nist
Making UN form AN
How will the urea be nitrated in such mild conditions?

The composition in the video was made with ...
17-2-2013 at 12:42
by: Bot0nist
Can Someone Help Me With Stoichiometry?
Please show an attempt to calculate the amounts yourself, and we will correct you if there is proble ...
17-2-2013 at 05:54
by: Bot0nist
DIY condenser
Yes, but nothing is quite as rewarding as making your first flammable spirits from white wine, in a ...
17-2-2013 at 05:51
by: Bot0nist
Anti defuse clock bomb jar?
I don't understand exactly what your fear is here. Explosive decompression if you open it? From wha ...
16-2-2013 at 18:49
by: Bot0nist
No, but I will "teach you to fish" so to say. ...
16-2-2013 at 10:56
by: Bot0nist
Inhibiting Foaming During Distillation
IIRC, baby's anti-gas drops can be used to success if it wont interfear with the reaction/seperation ...
15-2-2013 at 06:24
by: Bot0nist
Calcium sodium phosphosilicate synthesis?
Is this helpful?
12-2-2013 at 08:24
by: Bot0nist
hydrogen peroxide and pepper explosives
You boys are probably much better off just making some TCAP or MEKP from you 3% - 30% hydrogen perox ...
21-10-2012 at 04:12
by: Bot0nist
I need to recover KOH from solution in its solid form. Help
Do a forum search for piperine extraction. There are lots of good threads. Also many good threads on ...
20-10-2012 at 14:29
by: Bot0nist
Titanium oxide strip
I am pretty sure I saw a few videos on making various anodes in which a good boil in concentrated HC ...
11-10-2012 at 14:42
by: Bot0nist
No NO2 contamination at high temps?!
Plus, a concentrated, or even an azeotropic HNO<sub>3</sub> distillation is not a proced ...
11-10-2012 at 14:13
by: Bot0nist
Preparing Mn salts from battery grade MnO2
Have you searched the forum and youtube? What did you find?

See my signature...
10-10-2012 at 10:47
by: Bot0nist
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