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Problems with Lithium Batteries Well Im using these cause I had some older (not dead) AAs because I bought some fresh ones the other ... |
29-7-2018 at 10:14 by: Abromination |
Senior Science Fair Ideas? [rquote=526341&tid=86074&author=Hendrik]Another good idea would be to make heavy water. Cody ... |
29-7-2018 at 09:59 by: Abromination |
Copper lactate? Just now I was messing around when I realized that this wad a thing. Copper lactate, the copper (ii) ... |
28-7-2018 at 23:41 by: Abromination |
Parents Restricting Chemistry [rquote=526330&tid=86162&author=j_sum1]The key thing is to ask questions. Then your parents ... |
28-7-2018 at 22:45 by: Abromination |
Electrical Ark Furnace Req. [rquote=526309&tid=86188&author=WGTR]That's a pretty simple requirement, really. You don't ... |
28-7-2018 at 20:58 by: Abromination |
Parents Restricting Chemistry [rquote=526311&tid=86162&author=j_sum1]I wouldn't pay too much attention to MultiplePersonal ... |
28-7-2018 at 20:39 by: Abromination |
Electrical Ark Furnace Req. [rquote=526297&tid=86188&author=WGTR]The power resistor keeps you from having a short circui ... |
28-7-2018 at 18:49 by: Abromination |
Parents Restricting Chemistry [rquote=526303&tid=86162&author=MultiplePersonality]Do you think they ever allowed me? No. I ... |
28-7-2018 at 18:44 by: Abromination |
Electrical Ark Furnace Req. [rquote=526288&tid=86188&author=WGTR][rquote=526285&tid=86188&author=Abromination]I ... |
28-7-2018 at 16:17 by: Abromination |
Looking for cheap lab glass distributor in the US. Cheap? Not pyrex, then.
Or any other primary laboratory glassware manufacturer. If you were in the ... |
28-7-2018 at 15:41 by: Abromination |
Electrical Ark Furnace Req. I want to build an electrical ark furnace that runs on a minimal amount of both voltage and ampage. ... |
28-7-2018 at 15:26 by: Abromination |
Parents Restricting Chemistry [rquote=526277&tid=86162&author=symboom]Demostrate to them its organized labeled and clean a ... |
28-7-2018 at 15:12 by: Abromination |
Sodium metal from sodium peroxide? NurdRage is experimenting with something similar. He is using baby oil as a solvent, I believe (may ... |
28-7-2018 at 15:04 by: Abromination |
Parents Restricting Chemistry Now this won't be a problem for much longer (1 more year to college) but I am starting my senior yea ... |
28-7-2018 at 14:42 by: Abromination |
Problems with Lithium Batteries This morning I was attempting to extract the lithium metal from an energizer lithium battery. First ... |
28-7-2018 at 13:24 by: Abromination |
1/2 gallons of H2O2 of 3-5% available at supermarket for ~$3 Interesting... what store did you purchase this at because 3% hydrogen peroxide costs about 8 dollar ... |
27-7-2018 at 22:43 by: Abromination |
Senior Science Fair Ideas? Well of course it would be a valid scientific experiment using the scientific method I just want som ... |
27-7-2018 at 19:09 by: Abromination |
Senior Science Fair Ideas? For my high school senior science fair progect this year, I want to do something that will absolutel ... |
27-7-2018 at 18:45 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola What would the solubility of copper phosphate be? I imagine that it would be almost entirely insolub ... |
27-7-2018 at 14:51 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola [rquote=525536&tid=85463&author=CobaltChloride]That would work if H3PO4 was the only acid in ... |
24-7-2018 at 15:55 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola [rquote=525464&tid=85463&author=happyfooddance]Make sure to boil all the CO2 out, otherwise ... |
23-7-2018 at 18:11 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola [rquote=525448&tid=85463&author=Texium (zts16)]Your best bet would be to use larger bottles ... |
23-7-2018 at 14:46 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola [rquote=525312&tid=85463&author=Ubya][rquote=525294&tid=85463&author=Abromination]Im ... |
23-7-2018 at 14:03 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola Im thinking that I can extract the phosphoric acid by adding calcium carbonate to the Coke and preci ... |
22-7-2018 at 18:49 by: Abromination |
Phosphoric Acid from CocaCola [rquote=525223&tid=85463&author=DraconicAcid]Copper won't react with phosphoric acid directl ... |
22-7-2018 at 13:04 by: Abromination |
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