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Gitting rid of Cl2
Oh I'm sure they have water to drink and even to take an occasional shower with, that does not mean ...
12-3-2007 at 19:41
by: Sauron
Petition to ban DHMO
Great! Nasty stuff, that.

I hear fish do rude things in it.

It obviously drives them mad.

A ...
12-3-2007 at 18:32
by: Sauron
looking for suggestions
Fine, good luck, godspeed.

You did ask for a synthesis, or an extraction, but now you don't want ...
12-3-2007 at 17:56
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
All right, then ask yourself the following:

1. How much water is required for solutions of approp ...
12-3-2007 at 15:44
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
I doubt that @Sarge wants to make a career out of this, so the rate is a bit of an issue I'd guess. ...
12-3-2007 at 14:34
by: Sauron
looking for suggestions
Quadricyclane is quite stable in absence of special and rather complex catalysts.

See Org.Syn. on ...
12-3-2007 at 12:50
by: Sauron
Acetic anhydride preparation
More like;y SCl2 if at all. And starting with sodium oxalate (anhydrous). I have not seen any exampl ...
12-3-2007 at 12:42
by: Sauron
@GC, my remarks and questions were not directed to you, but to @contrived. Nor were they intended to ...
12-3-2007 at 12:34
by: Sauron
looking for suggestions
They love something of current interest.

How about Quadricyclane?

High energy aerospace fuel a ...
12-3-2007 at 05:53
by: Sauron
No telling what he means. Could be as you say (benzonitrile, nitrile directly on the ring) or could ...
12-3-2007 at 03:51
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
This is a field expedient situation, no whistles, no bells, no dogs, no ponies, bare-bones quick &am ...
12-3-2007 at 03:33
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
I think the metal method will only work at a reasonable rate with elemental iron (or steel) if the m ...
12-3-2007 at 02:50
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
I'm getting a headache trying to read that scan.

Anyway @Sarge is not going into the bleaching po ...
11-3-2007 at 22:01
by: Sauron
MPPP/MPTP Parkinsonism
The nitrogen mustards form an impotant part of the cancer chemotherapeutic arsenal, an entire realm ...
11-3-2007 at 14:58
by: Sauron
leary challenges 1937 tax stamp act and wins (?)
So Leary was a hero of yours?

The courts and the congress disagree with you about what rights the ...
11-3-2007 at 14:25
by: Sauron
MPPP/MPTP Parkinsonism
No, I hadn't seen that, and yes MPPP was the target not demerol. The addicts didn't like demerol, to ...
11-3-2007 at 13:31
by: Sauron
How to glue polyethylene together
What will be service temperature of the copper tube?

Cyanocrylates won't hold up to heat. If this ...
11-3-2007 at 11:08
by: Sauron
Ethanol Still
To destroy some sulfur-containing organics that otherwise bugger up the flavor. These are yeast wast ...
11-3-2007 at 10:59
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
Ahem. You don't get out much. huh? About 10 days ago someone parked a tanker of chlorine in a small ...
11-3-2007 at 10:49
by: Sauron
Ethanol Still
Tony Ackland the proprietor of is an old correspondent of mine and in fact th ...
11-3-2007 at 07:40
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
All right, 9 standard cylinders so if we assume, arguendo, that they are all full to normal pressure ...
11-3-2007 at 06:40
by: Sauron
Gitting rid of Cl2
Sarge, are you (ahem) in a non CONUS location?

No need to be specific.

Can you tell us how ma ...
11-3-2007 at 06:03
by: Sauron
Acetic anhydride preparation
The use of benzoyl chloride to prepare volatile acid chloride (and acetyl chloride is one of the mos ...
11-3-2007 at 05:41
by: Sauron
MPPP/MPTP Parkinsonism
Well, N-methylpiperidone

The relationship to phencyclidine is worth noting as well as some common ...
11-3-2007 at 01:12
by: Sauron
MPPP/MPTP Parkinsonism
Nothing bad about wanting to learn.

As you can see above, MPPP is a two carbon homolog of Demero ...
10-3-2007 at 22:48
by: Sauron
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