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Ketone distillation at atmospheric pressure
steam my friends it works every time and all at just over 100C no polymerisation.
is that who I thi ...
29-12-2006 at 23:29
by: Ephoton
Chlorination with CuCl2
sorry my mistake I missed out a reagent in my hast :( also needed is hydrochloric acid
then this c ...
28-12-2006 at 22:12
by: Ephoton
aromatic sidechainchlorinations - Toluene - Benzylchloride, Benzalchloride, Benzotrichloride and followup reactions yielding Ben
I have never had a single prob with chlorinating toluene with hypochlorite ions.
they key to a safe ...
28-12-2006 at 00:31
by: Ephoton
Piperic acid oxidation to Piperonal
dichromate and sulfuric acid mix with acid in mix then steam distill aldehyde out of mix has always ...
28-12-2006 at 00:11
by: Ephoton
Chlorination with CuCl2
you should add peroxide to that mix it will give you a 78% yeild and the lithium is not nessacery pl ...
28-12-2006 at 00:05
by: Ephoton
theoretical amphetamine variants
I have heard that methyl groups on the benzene ring on an oxalone does not
destroy the euphoric eff ...
25-11-2006 at 20:54
by: Ephoton
Extraction of eugenol
Personally I would just vacuum distill with a good column much nicer in my books even done it.
It t ...
13-11-2006 at 03:56
by: Ephoton
Extraction of eugenol
as you say boss please forgive this miss guided snowflake.
no more cool words just iupac.
I still ...
13-11-2006 at 03:48
by: Ephoton
thanx again spoil sports stop it leave it alone we know
stop posting about X do you want them to take this away too.
god eugenol is defanatly no the easist ...
10-11-2006 at 15:29
by: Ephoton
I have done this before
it was in t old inorganic chem book and I was trying to go compleatly otc.

first I got potasium s ...
25-10-2006 at 16:31
by: Ephoton
gold from E-waste
no one reads my posts :( ive answered this in a nice safe way.
whats it to be spelling or answers.
26-2-2006 at 16:55
by: Ephoton
extracting copper
use Al for your reduction heaps cheaper than Zn or an electrolitic method
26-2-2006 at 16:40
by: Ephoton
aldol tests
well ive been realy interested in making esters of
cinnamic acid derivatives and thanks to some res ...
6-2-2006 at 14:23
by: Ephoton
has this been done
I remeber reading about that dude who tried it as stated
what if one was rather than extrac ...
6-2-2006 at 13:53
by: Ephoton
nitropropene via nitromethane?
I have read this thread a few times and an idea has been growing becouse of it.
3 nitro propene cou ...
3-2-2006 at 07:14
by: Ephoton
nice one :)
I would disolve some of the precipitate then add tin
if you get a purple precipitate its got gold i ...
11-1-2006 at 00:30
by: Ephoton
Making Gold III chloride?
no alkali salts sorry not on
10-1-2006 at 15:02
by: Ephoton
I made a new discovery I think
well on the idea of a new oxidzer I went ahead and got
the first one I could lay my hands on :)
am ...
10-1-2006 at 15:01
by: Ephoton
What vacuum funnel porosity to get?
yep ill second that I once had a lovley funnel damb al sludge
7-1-2006 at 05:54
by: Ephoton
reagents are local
reagent aquasition is a locality thing not every one can
get nitric. yes I have it but It was a lon ...
7-1-2006 at 00:46
by: Ephoton
there are quite a few salts on the market that I belive are
oxidized halide salts. the idea behind ...
7-1-2006 at 00:40
by: Ephoton
merry oinkmess
266 posts a lot since I last looked :)
who needs respect when uv gote shite engolase
hive names ca ...
6-1-2006 at 04:39
by: Ephoton
to dissolve gold.
to disolve gold one needs a reaction that oxidizes the golds
surface and a reaction that turns the ...
6-1-2006 at 04:12
by: Ephoton
silver will not disolve in aqua but it will disolve in nitric acid.
if you do an aqua disolve and f ...
9-8-2005 at 03:39
by: Ephoton
now other metals
if you want the plat group out of a solution it gets harder.
you must be more selective of your red ...
9-8-2005 at 03:32
by: Ephoton
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