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Piranha solution
I agree with all of the above BromicAcid has said. For some stubborn stuff, I have generally used a ...
14-2-2015 at 05:53
by: Chemosynthesis
Another Free product...
Nice. Not seeing the first link work for me, though.
13-2-2015 at 21:05
by: Chemosynthesis
Can a smaller volume flask be used in a larger heating mantle?
I've seen and done this before. It's not ideal, but if you are having contact issues, try using alum ...
13-2-2015 at 10:10
by: Chemosynthesis
making minerals from wisdom teeth
The stem cells in the teeth would be far, far more valuable than the chemical composition.
12-2-2015 at 17:35
by: Chemosynthesis
Difussion Paranoia

A particle in a box with limited potential en ...
12-2-2015 at 10:17
by: Chemosynthesis
Nuclear fusion has never achieved break-even energy output in fusor (A BIG LIE)
^This. Just because energy is produced, doesn't mean it is useful. You lose some energy in friction, ...
12-2-2015 at 09:03
by: Chemosynthesis
Things That Frustrate As A DIY Chemist
As said above and elsewhere, I despise how frequently I had been asked if I "cook" as well. Plenty o ...
12-2-2015 at 05:25
by: Chemosynthesis
Our prolific, multifaceted troll- ban him or not?
For what purpose? Purchasing a neutron source like a cobalt-60 sample or building a fusor is probabl ...
12-2-2015 at 05:10
by: Chemosynthesis
Difussion Paranoia
Consider posting in the Miscellaneous Short Questions/Answers thread next time as these all seem lik ...
12-2-2015 at 00:44
by: Chemosynthesis
Bromide to bromine???
Lab stands, clamps and keck clips are a good start. Try to get a lab book of some kind if you are no ...
11-2-2015 at 22:28
by: Chemosynthesis
Ethylenediamine from ethylenediamine dihydrochloride
No problem. It is an awkward beast.
11-2-2015 at 22:23
by: Chemosynthesis
New lab stuff and Help identifying some!
looks like Graham and Leibig condensers, some reagent bottles, various split neck adapters similar t ...
11-2-2015 at 21:00
by: Chemosynthesis
Ethylenediamine from ethylenediamine dihydrochloride
1. Sodium hydroxide. Extract with solvent of choice solubility.
2. Maybe carbonate (didn't check p ...
11-2-2015 at 20:55
by: Chemosynthesis
Dental Amalgam
Hopefully I was helpful despite being on a depressing rant. One thing to emphasize is that actual pa ...
8-2-2015 at 06:49
by: Chemosynthesis
Basic doubts on salts dissolving in water
What is the source of your water for each solution? Are they all the same? Experimental error, such ...
7-2-2015 at 14:31
by: Chemosynthesis
In Need Of Some Inspiration And Help
What I would recommend is one of those General Chemistry workbooks. I have books all over the office ...
7-2-2015 at 12:31
by: Chemosynthesis
Chemical storage cabinet
As long as your hydroxide isn't in contact with the metal, you should be fine. Be aware of eventual ...
6-2-2015 at 21:52
by: Chemosynthesis
Basic doubts on salts dissolving in water
I'm kind of curious why you posted this an hour after your last reply in this duplicate thread: http ...
6-2-2015 at 21:38
by: Chemosynthesis
Copper Borate?
I know my opinion is uninvited, but I have enjoyed your posts thus far, shiva chemist, and would hop ...
6-2-2015 at 11:24
by: Chemosynthesis
Dental Amalgam
I wish I could give an easy solution. I'm not sure one exists, and this kind of thing has bothered m ...
6-2-2015 at 09:39
by: Chemosynthesis
The DEA is watching you...but does it matter?
Agreed on the public apathy.

I am less worried about the DEA itself than I am the prospect of th ...
6-2-2015 at 09:13
by: Chemosynthesis
Pffffft. Couldn't care less. [/quote] I didn't ask.
5-2-2015 at 05:39
by: Chemosynthesis
Question about Beta Decay.
I'm going to try to avoid Standard Model fermions and leptons in a slight addendum to my first post, ...
5-2-2015 at 04:59
by: Chemosynthesis
Bringing back an oldie.
I'd been p ...
5-2-2015 at 03:31
by: Chemosynthesis
Question about Beta Decay.
First, you're describing beta minus decay, just in case you're curious. There are other form(s) to c ...
5-2-2015 at 02:53
by: Chemosynthesis
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