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Liquid sodium hydroxide and aluminum?
[rquote=286165&tid=24426&author=Eddygp]Don't mix aluminium with molten NaOH!!! Your neighbo ...
30-5-2013 at 12:30
by: Bot0nist
toluene --> benzaldehyde
In the p-toluenesulfonic acid thread, it was mentioned that thiol and other once common impurities a ...
29-5-2013 at 15:03
by: Bot0nist
Pictures of members.
My first picture of me in my HAZMAT suit for work has vanished, so I uploaded an other pic from a 20 ...
29-5-2013 at 10:12
by: Bot0nist
Stop with the one liner posts please, APO. in this and the NH3 evolution thread. This isnt facebook. ...
29-5-2013 at 08:50
by: Bot0nist
Liquid sodium hydroxide and aluminum?
Oh, and dont melt NaOH in glass! It will digest it. use a suitable metal contianer or crucible...
29-5-2013 at 06:33
by: Bot0nist
Soda and Illegal Drugs Cause Similar Damage to Teeth: Acids Erode Enamel
I think the drug use issue with teeth is mostly neglect, poor hygiene, and poor nutrition/health. Wh ...
29-5-2013 at 06:11
by: Bot0nist
Leaching H2O2 out of Sodium Percarbonate
MnO2 catalyst and quantify the released 02 in an inverted graduated cylinder. search the H2O2 concen ...
28-5-2013 at 15:40
by: Bot0nist
Where is the SEARCH feature of this forum???
Thats an Org logo, lol. as in scimad. ORG. it is made to look like the oxidizer symbol.
28-5-2013 at 10:29
by: Bot0nist
LAH is at elemental scientific .net
26-5-2013 at 14:55
by: Bot0nist
What was that?
The NH4NO3 in the "negative X" composition is the source of the N2O, or was it NO2.., according to u ...
26-5-2013 at 04:00
by: Bot0nist
What was that?
On the chloride catalyst issue. I was reading about "negative X" (really k3wl name...) on united nuc ...
26-5-2013 at 02:21
by: Bot0nist
Weird looking wound(s)
A fresh idea Ozone. It does look similar to "athletes foot" that I used to get as a teen. try some a ...
23-5-2013 at 07:54
by: Bot0nist
Is this for Real? Mg + NaOH ==> Sodium?
You have read the potassium thread, yes?
23-5-2013 at 03:57
by: Bot0nist
Fluoride's and Fluorine containing compounds
For perspective... ...
22-5-2013 at 08:00
by: Bot0nist
Fluoride's and Fluorine containing compounds
Rubber will be a problem. Be very carefull. even some of our most matuer and experianced home chemis ...
22-5-2013 at 07:17
by: Bot0nist
Granular Ferric Oxide: Phosphate aborber turned thermite?
Dont worry about ordering small amounts of even pyro aluminum. With small orders, they worry people ...
21-5-2013 at 19:57
by: Bot0nist
Copper sulfate
[rquote=285204&tid=23963&author=annaandherdad]A question about crystalization, for anyone: ...
21-5-2013 at 19:49
by: Bot0nist
Weird looking wound(s)
What caused the burns, do you know?
21-5-2013 at 11:47
by: Bot0nist
Copper sulfate
Thank. Those formed on the pipe after it reacted with the H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2< ...
21-5-2013 at 11:40
by: Bot0nist
A Road Flare?
They used to be a decent source of red phosphorous as well. Many of them would have a nice sized blo ...
21-5-2013 at 11:23
by: Bot0nist
Copper sulfate

My beautiful penta ...
21-5-2013 at 10:58
by: Bot0nist
Found an easy way to make chlorine gas from muriatic acid and bleach
[rquote=285083&tid=24318&author=Finnnicus]Thank you, I did know that, but *helping!*. So the ...
21-5-2013 at 06:03
by: Bot0nist
salting out
Redo your test and post accurate data and measurments. If you want others to repeat your attemp, you ...
20-5-2013 at 10:02
by: Bot0nist
Preparation of Nitric Acid
Bubbling through a hydroxide solution will scrub most of the acidic vapors, keep it cool. Vinyl or H ...
20-5-2013 at 02:53
by: Bot0nist
NO2 from ammonia?
Stump remover is a good, cheap source here in the USA. It is a very dry powder, and is very pure KNO ...
19-5-2013 at 16:14
by: Bot0nist
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