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How to remove ink and dyes
Those are just some old (iron gall inks are hardly used anymore) general methods removing those stai ...
11-4-2010 at 11:12
by: Formatik
Chemicals Used for Illegal Purposes
The book also starts out with the same misinformation on Astrolite that one finds in the kewl books.
11-4-2010 at 11:09
by: Formatik
The Preparatory Manual of Explosives!
[rquote=175409&tid=13543&author=Mr. Wizard]There was a previous thread on highest flame temp ...
11-4-2010 at 10:59
by: Formatik
High-temperature flames.
[rquote=175411&tid=13607&author=unionised]Does anyone else out there have any ideas about th ...
11-4-2010 at 10:36
by: Formatik
Chemicals Used for Illegal Purposes
It looks like bananas have made it onto the precursor list. The supposedly psychoactive properties o ...
10-4-2010 at 18:21
by: Formatik
How to remove ink and dyes
I haven't tried any of the following, they're from an old encyclopedia called Roempp's Chemie Lexiko ...
10-4-2010 at 17:50
by: Formatik
High-temperature flames.
I don't think it will be more energetic, but more exothermic. An example is given in the chart above ...
10-4-2010 at 16:45
by: Formatik
Smoke Formulations ( book excerpt)
I'm not convinced any of the even today used smoke dyes are actually safe. Some of them have questio ...
9-4-2010 at 11:19
by: Formatik
High-temperature flames.
Liquid ozone explodes for no reason, so it has to be diluted with liquid air, N2, O2, etc. Even thos ...
9-4-2010 at 11:11
by: Formatik
Well, well
[rquote=175260&tid=3416&author=The WiZard is In] Wow I am glad to see that someone has kept ...
9-4-2010 at 10:46
by: Formatik
making SCl2 From TCCA-Na2S,possible or not?
[rquote=175187&tid=13578&author=halogenstruck] careful:Hazzard:[heating TCCA]maybe explosive ...
8-4-2010 at 14:40
by: Formatik
High-temperature flames.
The below might be of interest. The file has been edited and some values added.

[Edited on 9-4-2010 ...
8-4-2010 at 14:18
by: Formatik
Ethyl Perchlorate
No simple chlorate esters have ever been characterized or isolated. There are theoretical studies (e ...
6-4-2010 at 20:05
by: Formatik
Chemical Compatibility and Safe Storage
Fire and explosion hazards have been better described on some incompatability references and literat ...
5-4-2010 at 15:42
by: Formatik
Toluene and KNO3
Wilbrand's synthesis of TNT (Ann. 128 [1863], 178) consisted of heating toluene with mixed fuming su ...
5-4-2010 at 12:37
by: Formatik
Ethyl Perchlorate
Try not to quadruple post. All of those compounds are not organic esters, they're mainly salts of or ...
5-4-2010 at 12:33
by: Formatik
Ethyl Perchlorate
There is Popular Mechanics articles from around 1928 calling it radium atomite. The Royal Engineers ...
4-4-2010 at 10:12
by: Formatik
Acetic anhydride preparation
That patent was mentioned in the very beginning of this thread. It's also attached below.
4-4-2010 at 00:23
by: Formatik
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate + NaOH
Have you done any qualitative tests on the gas? E.g. bubble it through clear Ca(OH)2 solution (CaCO3 ...
3-4-2010 at 23:53
by: Formatik
Ethyl Perchlorate
Roscoe description of EtClO4 is also in Ann. 124, 124.

[quote]... in explosive violence, it is no ...
3-4-2010 at 23:50
by: Formatik
Making small amounts of liquid ammonia
[rquote=174531&tid=13563&author=unionised]Re Formatik's post
"Be careful with dry ice and l ...
28-3-2010 at 14:18
by: Formatik
Primordial chemicals
I thought there was something fishy about that determination. The boiling point and formula found fo ...
27-3-2010 at 20:09
by: Formatik
Garage Experiments With Trichloromethane.

50 gm Ca(OCl)2 and 150 ...
27-3-2010 at 19:48
by: Formatik
Primordial chemicals
Acetone forms by the dry distillation of citric acid (Robiquet, Berz. Jahresber. 18, 502 and Ann. 25 ...
27-3-2010 at 19:40
by: Formatik
Flash Powder
If one has magnesium dust then even much milder oxidizers work for flashes. German patent 101528 des ...
27-3-2010 at 17:15
by: Formatik
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