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Triphenylphosphine (TPP) for transition metal complexes
[rquote=350985&tid=36682&author=forgottenpassword]Often one can be forming totally different ...
5-10-2014 at 11:07
by: DrMario
Magnesium not corroded in sodium hydroxide solution
It's not directly magnesium that dissolves in water, but magnesium hydroxide. This is trivial to pro ...
5-10-2014 at 09:35
by: DrMario
Triphenylphosphine (TPP) for transition metal complexes
[rquote=350927&tid=36682&author=Mailinmypocket]I have successfully prepared some nickel and ...
5-10-2014 at 09:16
by: DrMario
Triphenylphosphine (TPP) for transition metal complexes
I've been experimenting with various ligands to obtain transition metal complexes - Cu, Co and Ni fo ...
5-10-2014 at 00:56
by: DrMario
Setting up a burner
[rquote=350388&tid=14588&author=Artemus Gordon]I'd take the burner to a hardware store (A RE ...
2-10-2014 at 18:47
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?

I have had a similar experience with my ...
2-10-2014 at 11:19
by: DrMario
Setting up a burner
[rquote=350337&tid=14588&author=DrMario][rquote=350336&tid=14588&author=DrMario]Sorr ...
2-10-2014 at 07:57
by: DrMario
Setting up a burner
[rquote=350336&tid=14588&author=DrMario]Sorry for bringing up an old thread (BTW, why is tha ...
2-10-2014 at 07:51
by: DrMario
Setting up a burner
Sorry for bringing up an old thread (BTW, why is that even considered bad etiquette?) but I have a r ...
2-10-2014 at 07:44
by: DrMario
The weirdest chemical element ?
[rquote=350148&tid=36052&author=Dan Vizine][rquote=350146&tid=36052&author=blogfast2 ...
2-10-2014 at 07:22
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?
[rquote=350325&tid=36365&author=Dr.Bob]Your bottle of thiourea may have been from any of man ...
2-10-2014 at 07:20
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?
The only iron salt I have at home is FeCl3 - will H2S precipitate FeS if H2S is bubbled through a Fe ...
2-10-2014 at 01:46
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?
[rquote=350288&tid=36365&author=UnintentionalChaos]I would be extremely unsurprised by the d ...
2-10-2014 at 01:42
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?
In spite of the humorous framing of it, this is a serious question.
1-10-2014 at 21:03
by: DrMario
THIOUREA - odorless or fart-scented?
Serious question, actually: I had the "pleasure" of smelling the air around a bottle of thioiurea af ...
1-10-2014 at 14:24
by: DrMario
The weirdest chemical element ?
Platinum is interesting because it catalyzes so many reactions, while being refractory itself.

F ...
29-9-2014 at 12:07
by: DrMario
Solutions you keep bottled and ready
[rquote=348866&tid=35662&author=zts16]I also keep NaOH and phenolphthalein, and currently I' ...
27-9-2014 at 11:38
by: DrMario
Solutions you keep bottled and ready
Which solutions do you keep bottled, pre-prepared for action?
Mine are NaOH 1M and 0.1M, phenolphta ...
27-9-2014 at 10:44
by: DrMario
Lead acetate making an acetate of me
As I was reading this thread, I was going to suggest something along the lines of what phlogiston ju ...
26-9-2014 at 22:24
by: DrMario
Setting up a UK chemical supply company
I know an eBay UK seller that has KI from Sigma Aldrich and sells it quite cheaply (bought only 100g ...
25-9-2014 at 10:08
by: DrMario
Setting up a UK chemical supply company
I've been buying a buttload of reagent off eBay. That includes UK sellers, too, though lately I'm gr ...
25-9-2014 at 10:05
by: DrMario
Any cheap source of magnetic stir bars?
[rquote=346856&tid=34410&author=careysub]I have seen people slip small screws into soda stra ...
24-9-2014 at 22:54
by: DrMario
what do you use to store iodine/bromine
Another thing, possibly of interest: you can use a Pasteur pipette as an ampoule - provided that you ...
23-9-2014 at 10:15
by: DrMario
what do you use to store iodine/bromine
Related to this topic: I just obtained a 50g bottle of iodine, by Sigma Aldrich. The container seems ...
22-9-2014 at 06:16
by: DrMario

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