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Pthaloyl chloride from Thionyl
Read the article (posted on this forum already by Thomas Kyrides of Monsanto, from JACS and you will ...
26-7-2007 at 06:20
by: Sauron
You might also want to look into the perparation of terpin hydrate (expectorant used in cough syrups ...
26-7-2007 at 06:11
by: Sauron
Org.Syn. came into existance when there was no US manufacturing chemical industry and researchers we ...
26-7-2007 at 03:12
by: Sauron
Acros sells anhydrous oxalic acid, btw.
25-7-2007 at 21:09
by: Sauron
Awash in HPLC Equipment

Manuals for Waters Fraction Collector (NOT WFC II or WFC III)

and 715 Ultra W ...
25-7-2007 at 21:04
by: Sauron
Awash in HPLC Equipment
An object lesson for HPLC adventurers

As my acquisitions of Waters two piece MultiSolvent Deliver ...
25-7-2007 at 01:10
by: Sauron

Roger Adams, JACS 37 2716 (1915)

describes phenyl esters of oxalic acid prepared by use o ...
24-7-2007 at 17:01
by: Sauron
Arsenic pentoxide
And a good thing it is to be wary of, indeed.

I have not found any real upside to As chemistry. I ...
24-7-2007 at 16:17
by: Sauron
Water Fuel
24-7-2007 at 08:27
by: Sauron
@tito-o-ma, mess around w/anhydrous hydrazine at age 14 and you won't make it out or four teens.

24-7-2007 at 07:57
by: Sauron
Awash in HPLC Equipment
The third and largest shipment by ocean freight of my two year accumulation of Waters HPLC equipment ...
24-7-2007 at 06:04
by: Sauron
@Per, By "Davis book" I mean The Chemistry of Powder & Explosives" by T.L.Davis, an oldie but go ...
23-7-2007 at 16:04
by: Sauron
Chems for sale etc
If you are reading 10 torr then you are at the limit of the pump. Torr is by definition same as mm H ...
23-7-2007 at 15:52
by: Sauron
See the old Roger Adams articles in JACS c.1915-1920 (use the ACS pubs search engine.) He originall ...
23-7-2007 at 07:18
by: Sauron
Chems for sale etc
I guess I am confused. Are you saying that your 1 year old 726.3FTP won't pull down below 29.5torr ( ...
22-7-2007 at 17:48
by: Sauron
Way to propionic acid?
What's wrong with good old CrVI or KMnO4 oxidation of n-propanol?
22-7-2007 at 17:37
by: Sauron
CSI = Complete Simpletons and Imbeciles

But consider it has to keep up with intellectual giants l ...
22-7-2007 at 09:42
by: Sauron

The only two reagents that do work are PCCl5 and TCT (seperately, of course.)

I would sa ...
22-7-2007 at 05:44
by: Sauron
Idiots with chemicals

The man's name was Nobel not Noble.

And he invented a way to stabilize nitroglycer ...
22-7-2007 at 05:11
by: Sauron
Ethyl Formate
Naturally, the lower alkyl formates need to be recognized as volatile and flammable, and normal prec ...
21-7-2007 at 18:46
by: Sauron
Chems for sale etc
If your unit has two heads then it should be exactly same length as mine, 9.75" according to the KNF ...
21-7-2007 at 18:38
by: Sauron
2,6-dinitrosobenzene-1,4-diol prep ?
I hope you have good safety equipment because nitrosobenzene is a carcinogen and so I would expect 2 ...
21-7-2007 at 09:10
by: Sauron
Chems for sale etc
Incidentally, it may be that the UN726.1.2 and the 726.3 are interconvertible. While I have not yet ...
21-7-2007 at 01:41
by: Sauron
Ethyl Formate
Methyl formate, even lower boiling is worse in this regard.
20-7-2007 at 21:30
by: Sauron
Hoods, Hoods, Hoods: New, Used, or DIY?
I went and looked at LabX fume hood section and there was not a single auction going. There were ads ...
20-7-2007 at 19:40
by: Sauron
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