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Books on book binding by the pro !
Let the Pro tell you how it's done, read there books and get into book binding gear !

A few ...
26-6-2005 at 15:32
by: Lambda
A 5 is half the sise of A 4, and A 3 double the sise of A 4. A centre folded A 4 will give you two A ...
26-6-2005 at 00:23
by: Lambda
Static Electricity
Sorry Tim, I posted this after you had replied.
25-6-2005 at 17:41
by: Lambda
Static Electricity
I don't agree about the grounding of the battery. If that were to be so, then bringing the to p ...
25-6-2005 at 17:38
by: Lambda
Opposite charges attract each other
Saps, they do have the same effect, but just not so promenent. The voltages are very low, compared t ...
25-6-2005 at 12:37
by: Lambda
Cyclooctatetraene (COT)
You mean by nitrating [b]Cyclooctatetraene (COT)[/b] with mixed acid.

Cyclooctatetraene looks s ...
25-6-2005 at 11:33
by: Lambda
Is bookbinding that difficult ?
These links may give you an impression on how books are bound by hand. This by no way means that the ...
25-6-2005 at 00:39
by: Lambda
Making your own eBooks and bookbinding.
This is a very interesting thread, and more emphasis should be given to this subject.

1.- Scannin ...
24-6-2005 at 19:43
by: Lambda
Extract from: Zuffanti, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63, 3123 (1941)
Dear Kalle Anka, this is all the relavant information I could find from the artical:
Zuffanti, J. A ...
24-6-2005 at 13:16
by: Lambda
Gross formulas can be very unclear and confusing
Please go to the forum library for a book on the correct equasion, and download:

The chemistry of ...
24-6-2005 at 06:05
by: Lambda
ammonium acetate
I am sorry about this Kalle Anka, it was just an idee. Nice and interesting photo by the way !

Di ...
24-6-2005 at 03:23
by: Lambda
Surprising results
I find the low score for America and the high score for Africa and Antarctica very surprising.
Seei ...
23-6-2005 at 18:04
by: Lambda
Picric acid: different instructions
Taaie-Neuskoek, did you get the gunk during the sulphonisation stage, or after the nitration stage ? ...
23-6-2005 at 10:23
by: Lambda
ammonium acetate
Kalle anka, the crystals are damn hygroscopic. And Ammonium acetate does decompose, when tryining to ...
23-6-2005 at 10:14
by: Lambda
Finalising the production stages and purification of Picric acid.
There is a way to test the completion of the Sulphonisation stage. If you dissolve a sample in Water ...
23-6-2005 at 09:26
by: Lambda
CO2 gas-cylinder as SO2 container
Allthough not made up of 316 stainless steel or Alloy 20, it may be a suitible container for SO2. In ...
22-6-2005 at 15:47
by: Lambda
Duration of force
Truely so Marvin, the heaving effect on mass acceleration is in this aspect crucial. Specially when ...
22-6-2005 at 08:49
by: Lambda
I guess about 100 grams ?
Blaster, you used a normal 24 X 36 mm filmcanister. The internal canister diameter being 2.9 X 4.7 c ...
22-6-2005 at 08:25
by: Lambda
Moving parts, maintainance, complication and expence
Rosco Bodine, you are right about the kinetics that are an absolute must, if shatering is required.
21-6-2005 at 22:15
by: Lambda
How can I split that bloody rock ?
Nhaa, liquids and gases are mobile. Depending on the speed of this mobility, you will get pressure b ...
21-6-2005 at 21:44
by: Lambda
[b]Whistle mix #1[/b] [1] [4]
Potassium perchlorate.........................................70
S ...
21-6-2005 at 06:27
by: Lambda
Galluszuur (dutch)

100 g Chinese galappels wordt fijngebroken en met 300 ml zwavelzuur van 20 % 15 min la ...
20-6-2005 at 22:28
by: Lambda
Extraction of gallic acid from tara powder.
Extraction of gallic acid from tara powder

Tara powder (40 kg: 9% moisture) was extracted for 6h ...
20-6-2005 at 22:11
by: Lambda
Making Aluminium and Magnesium powder with the ball mill.
[quote][i]Originally posted by Lambda on 14-6-2005[/i]
Reagents and Apparatus Acquistion / Woo hoo, ...
20-6-2005 at 17:01
by: Lambda
Would you like a cheap whistle ?
Dear Guest, if you are looking for a loud whistle composition, then Sodium salicylate and Sodium ben ...
20-6-2005 at 02:45
by: Lambda
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