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Who here is capable of Non-Peroxide initiators?
I am

murcury fulminate
Slilver acetylide
Lead azide
Basic lead picrate

SA\DS is much better ...
10-7-2013 at 12:37
by: Bot0nist
ETN ignition problems?
I always use 95% ethanol for a great recrystallization. Try enclosing a small piece (very small) tig ...
8-7-2013 at 12:33
by: Bot0nist
Spontaneous Copper Nitrate and Magnesium Reaction
I find it odd that after mixing these materials in a bag together and surviving, he still thinks he ...
7-7-2013 at 17:12
by: Bot0nist
Test reaction for hydrazine
Carefully add a drop to some small chunks and powder TCCA. Be very carefull though. TCCA is very vio ...
7-7-2013 at 10:02
by: Bot0nist
Please do not "play" with Organic Peroxides.
50mg for small pops or playing with only. And thats pushing it. An organic peroxide is never safe wh ...
7-7-2013 at 08:29
by: Bot0nist
Please do not "play" with Organic Peroxides.
One of the things that makes organic peroxides such a danger is there unpredictability. It is so eas ...
7-7-2013 at 06:48
by: Bot0nist
Lead styphnate vs AP, TATP, HMTD
yeah, clathrates(sp) are great. and het shock NPED can work, but they are a bit bulky and unrelible, ...
6-7-2013 at 15:16
by: Bot0nist
tryptamine green synth
[rquote=291000&tid=24919&author=nimbus8]Could you post a link or something about this synth. ...
6-7-2013 at 13:06
by: Bot0nist
The part where he can increase his post count?

I thought the articals about novel pain relief wa ...
6-7-2013 at 12:53
by: Bot0nist
Lead styphnate vs AP, TATP, HMTD
Its not and INITIATOR, its a firing primer, and is ment to reliably IGNITE propellants, not INITIATE ...
6-7-2013 at 12:43
by: Bot0nist
Interest in carbon disulfide?
Plante will be fine with it, im sure...
Its no more dangerous than 500ml of gasoline I wouldnt thin ...
6-7-2013 at 10:12
by: Bot0nist
Where is not_important?
I greatly miss The Wizard is In's posts as well. And qs, of course. At least their posts are semi-im ...
3-7-2013 at 19:05
by: Bot0nist
I quit
[quote]It would be great if we could forget this nonsense and get back to experimenting.[/quote]

2-7-2013 at 02:57
by: Bot0nist
Please do not "play" with Organic Peroxides.
[rquote=290078&tid=24834&author=killswitch]Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide is a nice alternativ ...
30-6-2013 at 18:03
by: Bot0nist
P4O10 in aromatic nitrations
Skim through the TNT threads here at SciMad. I am sure it is there. you could try it on a test tube ...
29-6-2013 at 13:45
by: Bot0nist
Please do not "play" with Organic Peroxides.
Thank you for sharing, and I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you are ok. I would be worried ab ...
28-6-2013 at 17:38
by: Bot0nist
Booster charge case
13g of cast ETN is a booster...
And no, a charge doesnt always have to have confinment for compres ...
26-6-2013 at 17:49
by: Bot0nist
Nitrite to nitrate!!
See the first line of my signature...

Making nitrite from nitrate is not nearly as simple as heat ...
26-6-2013 at 17:35
by: Bot0nist
P4O10 in aromatic nitrations
TNT can be made on a bench scale in a two or three step nitration without oleum, IIRC. Quicksilver o ...
26-6-2013 at 12:16
by: Bot0nist
Modafinil (smart drug) synthesis
I am perscibed armodafinil . I only notice a slight stimulant effect for 6hrs, nervous jitters, and ...
26-6-2013 at 09:48
by: Bot0nist
Booster charge case
Reactivity between energetics could pose an issue in some instances, without a case. I also think ha ...
26-6-2013 at 04:53
by: Bot0nist
"steam" distillation
Why not ensure the solution is basic, and do a 2nd extraction into clean ether?

Why so vague. if ...
23-6-2013 at 14:48
by: Bot0nist
Distilling Nitric Acid
I agree with hiss, I bet you didn't run hot enough, and use a bit more conc sulfuric if you need to. ...
23-6-2013 at 13:18
by: Bot0nist
Easy organic solvents
We do love us some pool chemicals around here... Any relatively cheap and useful source of OTC reage ...
21-6-2013 at 19:01
by: Bot0nist
commercial grade sodium nirrate for curing meat
That is true, it will only confirm the presence of the nitrite. I can not think of a trivial way to ...
21-6-2013 at 07:30
by: Bot0nist
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