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Folder advice on buying a IR spec or raman nleslie321 2 1096
1-5-2020 at 21:36
by Bmoore55
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Folder Poor locked-down man's distillation apparatus :) Keras 9 1407
1-5-2020 at 10:55
by Keras
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Folder Got my own NMR (Pages:  1  2) Bmoore55 30 4559
1-5-2020 at 06:37
by Bmoore55
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Folder Why bokakob style columns are not used? Refinery 7 2806
1-5-2020 at 02:43
by Fulmen
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Folder New Jersey/NY/PA brick and mortar chemical supplier. Katie 2 1075
29-4-2020 at 15:39
by RogueRose
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Folder Restek moisture trap Karkov123 1 930
29-4-2020 at 13:54
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Folder Mel-Temp 3.0 - how long do elements last? monolithic 2 1089
29-4-2020 at 09:52
by monolithic
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Folder Chemicals wanted or for trade in nz NZniceguy 4 5312
28-4-2020 at 06:04
by nzlostpass
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Folder Sources of chemicals ? Polymer_endeavors 9 3239
27-4-2020 at 17:13
by Dr.Bob
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Folder Tin solder Bedlasky 3 955
26-4-2020 at 14:16
by DraconicAcid
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Folder Quantitative preparation of boric acid (from borax) Fulmen 9 1531
26-4-2020 at 13:26
by Syn the Sizer
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Folder Corning PC-420 Transformer Replacement Psychedelic_Monkey 10 1974
22-4-2020 at 19:20
by G-Coupled
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Folder Does this look like a graded seal to you? SWIM 2 1030
22-4-2020 at 16:43
by Dr.Bob
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Folder Negative priced crude oil. Time to build a home refinery? :) Keras 7 1544
21-4-2020 at 20:34
by draculic acid69
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Folder Nickle Nitrate Source? Brightthermite 5 1636
21-4-2020 at 11:59
by MadHatter
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Folder HHO welder for glasswork Steve s 15 2877
20-4-2020 at 01:12
by Steve s
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Folder pyrex vs PYREX Syn the Sizer 6 1679
19-4-2020 at 12:31
by Syn the Sizer
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Folder Cheap OTC DCM in the USA? monolithic 24 5209
19-4-2020 at 09:13
by clearly_not_atara
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Folder Chemical attack inside the flask maqce 7 1434
19-4-2020 at 02:31
by mackolol
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Folder Cole Parmer 4800 Mark I parts Endo 5 1301
17-4-2020 at 16:06
by Endo
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Folder Ghetto Nitric Acid highpower48 9 1741
15-4-2020 at 22:01
by RogueRose
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Folder smile.gif Chemical Stock list in my lab vibbzlab 16 3211
12-4-2020 at 02:37
by Bedlasky
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Folder sodium borohydride nleslie321 7 1807
11-4-2020 at 01:30
by Lion850
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Folder Isolate Mn metal from MnO2 + Al thermite metalresearcher 4 1397
8-4-2020 at 22:37
by a_bab
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Folder Why have different colour lids? TmNhRhMgBrSe 6 1593
8-4-2020 at 01:06
by TmNhRhMgBrSe
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Folder thumbup.gif Best Lightweight Portable Mini Vacuum Pump ? LuckyWinner 9 2340
5-4-2020 at 18:07
by monolithic
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Folder Potassium 10g in breackseal ampoules for sale Chemcraft 0 1086
4-4-2020 at 12:26
by Chemcraft
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Folder Ordering things like mercury or dicyclopentadiene from LiMac Science? Draeger 12 2319
3-4-2020 at 06:19
by Boffis
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Folder Calcium chloride recrystallization maqce 6 1960
3-4-2020 at 05:57
by Morue
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Folder Easy way to make activated charcoal maqce 3 1211
1-4-2020 at 17:03
by rockyit98
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